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‘Certainly,’ returned the grocer, quite insensible of his brother-in-law’s object‘and he said in a very plain manner—’ ‘Floury, if you please,’ interrupted Malderton again; dreading the termination of the anecdote, and fearing a repetition of the word ‘shop.’ ‘He said, says he,’ continued the culprit, after despatching the potato; ‘says he, how goes on your business?

But, as a corner grocer, he lays for the Negro as he goes to and from his toil, and, with cheap wares and bad whisky, he grows fat upon his unwary customer. The German usually comes to this country poor, enters small towns, and, by the aid of other older residents of his nation who have already grown prosperous, he goes into business on a small scale grocery business as a rule.

My heart beat, and the perspiration stood on my forehead, and Melie said to me: 'Well, you sot, did you see that? "Just then, Monsieur Bru, the grocer of Poissy, who was fond of gudgeon fishing, passed in a boat, and called out to me: So somebody has taken your usual place, Monsieur Renard?

He then arranged with Leonard that he should visit the window at certain hours on alternate nights with himself, and appointed the following night as that on which the apprentice's duties should commence. On the same night, however, an alarming incident occurred, which kept the grocer and his apprentice for a long time on the watch.

His silk hat was as glossy as satin, but the lining would have yielded grease enough for two street lamps if some grocer had bought it to boil down. But to enumerate these accessories is nothing; if only I could give an idea of the air of immense importance that Contenson contrived to impart to them!

Frost threw up her hands "You're a fine sort of man for a grocer, with your reversibles and your gastritis! What in the world are you talking about?" Mr. Netlips, busy with the unpacking of a special Stilton cheese which he was about to send 'up to the Manor, waved her away with one hand. "I am talking above your head altogther, Mrs. Frost," he said, placidly "I know it!

After carefully examining the house, peeping through the chinks in the lower shutters, and discovering the grocer seated by the bedside of his son, though he could not make out the object of his solicitude, Wyvil decided upon attempting an entrance by the backyard. To reach it, a court and a narrow alley, leading to an open space surrounded by high walls, had to be traversed.

Deprived of office, fortune gone, debts pressing, destitution notorious, the ridicule of embarrassments, the disrepute attached to poverty and defeated ambition, an exile in some foreign town on the poor pension to which alone I should be entitled, a mendicant on the public purse; and that, too, so eaten into by demands and debts, that there is not a grocer in the next market-town who would envy the income of the retired minister!

In the hurry, Blaize rolled a cask towards the open door, and in another instant it would have fallen upon the grocer, and perhaps have crushed him, but for the interposition of Leonard. Bloundel made no remark at the time; but he never forgot the service rendered him by the apprentice.

His air of authority and assertiveness had gone, his masterful stride had given way to a furtive pacing to and fro, as of an animal seeking an outlet for escape. In a dazed perfunctory manner, always with his eyes turning to watch the shop entrance, he gave a few random orders, which the grocer made a show of entering in his book.