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Yonder is a man in sight Yonder is a house but where? No. she must not enter there. To the caves, and to the brooks, To the clouds of heaven she looks. WORDSWORTH, Feast of Brougham Castle. Long, long did Grisell kneel in an agony of prayer and terror, as she seemed already to feel savage hands putting her to the ordeal.

That first week Grisell had plenty of occupation in settling her room and training her uncouth maid, who proved a much more apt scholar than she had expected, and became devoted to her like a little faithful dog. No one else took much notice of either, except that at times Cuthbert Ridley showed himself to be willing to stand up for her.

It is true," exclaimed Grisell, clasping her hands. "Woe is me that it should be so! And oh! Cuthbert! my husband, if he lives, is a Queen's man! What can I do?" "If it were of any boot I would say hold out the Tower. He deserves no better after the scurvy way he treated you," said Cuthbert grimly. "He may be dead, too, though Harry fears he was but stunned."

"But we have gone miles since noon, I am faint and weary!" said one amongst them. Red Grisell, the youngest of the band, struck her comrade on the cheek "Faint and weary, ronion, with blood and booty in the wind!"

"Then you do not feel bound in honour to Lancaster?" said Grisell. "Nay; I did not stir or strive to join the Queen when last she called up the Scots the Scots indeed! to aid her. I could not join them in a foray on England.

Grisell durst not stop to ask whether she had heard the word Copeland aright, and ran downstairs with a throbbing heart, just crossing the hall, where she thought she saw a figure bowed down, with hands over his face and elbows on his knees, but she could not pause, and went on to the kitchen, where the peat fire was never allowed to expire, and it was easy to stir it into heat.

At Rotterdam they found Sir Patrick Home and his eldest son awaiting them, to take them on to their new home in Utrecht, and wet and cold and tiredness were all forgotten at the sight of those dear faces, and Grisell "felt nothing but happiness and contentment."

"If he keep the lands, he should keep the wife," was his cry. "His word and heart " began Grisell. "Folly, my wench. No question but she is bestowed on some one else. You do not want to be quit of him and be mewed in a nunnery." "I only crave to hide my head and not be the bane of his life." "Pshaw! You have seen for yourself.

All had hung in dire suspense on his words, and not till they were ended did Grisell become conscious that her mother was sitting like a stone, with fixed, glassy eyes and dropped lip, in the high-backed chair, quite senseless, and breathing strangely.

She was in the palace now, greatly honoured, for her son loved her with devoted affection, and Grisell had to pass through tapestry-hung halls and chambers, one after another, with persons in mourning, all filled with men-at-arms first, then servants still in black dresses.