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The neck tinkled a little tattoo against the glass. He swallowed the liquor neat and shook his head in a spasmodic grimace. The sigh with which he settled back in his chair was one of utter weariness. Phil gave a slight cough to announce his presence.

"And after that," resumed Gervaise, "we must have some other dish with a sauce." Mother Coupeau proposed fish. But the others made a grimace, as they banged down their irons. None of them liked fish; it was not a bit satisfying; and besides that it was full of bones. Squint-eyed Augustine, having dared to observe that she liked skate, Clemence shut her mouth for her with a good sound clout.

It was hard to know whether Blanche were expressing a real desire or a momentary caprice, and whether this abrupt little petition were to be taken seriously, or treated merely as a dramatic pose in a series of more or less effective attitudes. Her smile had become almost a grimace, she was flushed, she showed her pretty teeth; but there was a little passionate quiver in her voice.

"I brought 'em along to pacify Auntie," said Peter on the car. Susan made a little grimace. "You don't like Con? Oh, she's loads of sport!" he assured her. "And you'll like Carter, too, he's loads of fun!" But Susan liked nobody and nothing that day. It was a failure from beginning to end. The sky was overcast, gloomy.

"In a very few moments," he told her. "I have been waiting to see you for an hour." She made a grimace. "It was Mrs. Unthank. I think that she hid my things on purpose. I was so anxious to see you." "I want to talk to you about Mrs. Unthank," he said. "Should you be very unhappy if I sent her away and found some one younger and kinder to be your companion?"

Naturally she addressed Anthony as Roderick and he addressed her as Flora. This was all the acting that was necessary to judge from the wincing twitch of the old man's mouth at every uttered "Flora." On hearing the rare "Rodericks" he had sometimes a scornful grimace as faint and faded and colourless as his whole stiff personality. He would be the first to retire. He was not infirm.

Manson Mingott screwed up her little mouth into a grimace of mimic prudery and twinkled at him through malicious lids. "'Ask Mamma, I suppose the usual story. Ah, these Mingotts all alike! Born in a rut, and you can't root 'em out of it. When I built this house you'd have thought I was moving to California!

"Then how'd you know about me and my name when you found the safe empty? Who told you?" A wry grimace spread suddenly over Jimmie Dale's face beneath the mask, and he swallowed hard. Jimmie Dale would have given a good deal to have been able to answer that question himself. "Oh, that!" said Jimmie Dale. "That's easy I knew you worked there. Say, it's the limit, ain't it?

The German commander who had captured the lads made a grimace but said nothing. He paused a moment and then declared quietly: "My verdict also is death!" Lord Hastings, apparently, could restrain his impatience no longer. "Good! Good!" he cried. "The sentence of this court martial," continued the German commander unheeding Lord Hastings, "is that the prisoners all be shot at sunrise tomorrow.

"Apart from that," Arnold continued, "I am sorry, but I have an engagement for the evening." She made a little grimace. "With your invalid friend?" Arnold assented. "I should not like to leave her alone this evening. She has been in a great deal of trouble lately." There was a moment's silence. A slight frown had gathered on Fenella's forehead.