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Some went to the places where the fires had been, and kicked the ashes together; while others stacked their arms, and sat down in twos and threes along the pass. "Those were revolver shots that woke us, Captain," said Stefan thoughtfully. "I expect Grigosie meant to rouse us as soon as we could no longer prevent his going, and intended us to make the best of our chances."

Evidently he and Stefan had become fast friends during their day's ride together. It was a merry laugh, pleasant, Ellerey thought, after the gruffer tones of the soldiers. Presently the boy left Anton's side and threw himself down by the fire near Ellerey. "Are you tired, Grigosie?" "A little. Lately I have not been used to so many hours in the saddle. What point do we make for to-morrow?"

It was a time to dream of life and realized ambition, not to ponder on lurking death and failure. He walked presently to the head of the zig-zag path. "Your castle has proved a refuge after all, Grigosie. How came you to be prophetic?" "I did not believe my own prophecy." "Yet you hid the cartridges." "Believing, perhaps, that they would never be wanted," Grigosie answered.

"Yes, the gates have been closed for half an hour." "Come, then," said the lad. "Must we go through the court?" "There is no other way," Anton answered. "Then Captain, will you permit that Anton and I go first?" said Grigosie. "Follow close upon our heels; but should we stop, do not you; overtake us and push us roughly aside, and we will overtake you again in a moment.

"What happened?" queried Stefan. "The box did not contain the right token, and they attacked us without a word of warning." "What of the others?" "Heaven knows. They hardly seemed to strike a blow after we were surrounded. It was Grigosie who thought of the way across the hills, and we've had to run for it like hunted rabbits, eh, lad?" Grigosie smiled faintly, but did not speak.

Grigosie refilled the empty chambers of his revolver as he went, and Ellerey put up his sword and took his revolver instead. Behind them the firing had ceased, but they could not doubt that they were being swiftly followed; and spread over the open which they must needs cross, a hundred men probably barred their way.

They went together toward the light, and Grigosie knocked at the door as Baron Petrescu had done. There was the same delay, the self-same shaggy head was thrust out to the intruders. Silence reigned again until the stentorian voice had shouted, and then the clattering and the voices started instantly. The man led them aside into the same room.

"We'll win through, Grigosie," he said over and over again as he turned now into one alley, now into another, leaving the flying rabble further and further behind. "We'll win through, Grigosie. It's the Captain's orders." Ellerey heard that cry too, and knew its meaning.

Grigosie pointed to that part which lay rather below the level of the plateau on which they were standing. "They must be good eyes to see anything there," said Ellerey. "Wait," whispered the boy. Even as he spoke there shone for a moment a wisp of light like a firefly in the darkness, and then another, moving a little below it.

Grigosie and Anton, leading the way by scarce a dozen paces, turned almost directly from the main thoroughfare into a side street, and had soon turned to left and right so often that Ellerey would hardly have found his way back to the Toison d'Or. Not once did they stop, and if they looked back to see that their companion was following them, Ellerey was not aware of the fact.