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Maybe he had letters which you wouldn't have liked Lady Eileen to see what?" An ejaculation came from Grell. The detective directed his gaze to a picture opposite him, and continued, as though thinking aloud "Now I come to think of it, was Goldenburg a relative of yours? The likeness is amazing. Well, suppose, for the sake of argument, he was. And Lola where does Lola stand?

Grell writes you a note, which I stole from you. Coincidence number six. You follow me? I could go on with other proofs. Grell must know who committed this murder, and if we get hold of him we shall know." "I see the point," confessed Fairfield. "All the same, I don't believe, even if he knows as you say, that he had a hand in it.

The girl who had never harmed a single person in her white life was dead killed by the hardships to which she had been subjected. He covered his eyes with his hands for a moment, and Foyle waited patiently. Ivan controlled himself with an effort. "Grell advised me to come away, but I was determined to stay for a while. I had work to do.

Her face was set stonily, and in the grey depths of her eyes there lurked in place of laughter an implacable determination. She had loved Robert Grell with the fierce, passionate devotion of a strong nature. The sudden news of his death had brought out the primitive woman bent on vengeance. It was no impulse of suddenly shattered nerves that had made her turn on Fairfield.

There was only one place from which he was likely to be rung up at one o'clock in the morning, and he was reaching for his clothes with one hand even while he answered. "That you, sir?"... The voice at the other end was tremulous and excited. "This is the Yard speaking Flack. Mr. Grell, the American explorer, has been killed murdered ... yes ... at his house in Grosvenor Gardens.

Somewhere in the house a clock struck midnight, the slow, deep strokes reverberating heavily. "She did that for me!" said Grell, lifting his head, haggard and wan. Then, as a thought occurred to him, "She is not under arrest?" "No. I had her word that she would inform her father." Grell made no answer. He stared moodily in front of him. The superintendent had no desire to break in on his reverie.

At once the lie that Fairfield told her assumed a new aspect. She denounced him as the murderer. She dared not say that she was the first to discover the body, for that would have meant revealing that she knew he was being blackmailed. "Then the Princess Petrovska paid her a visit and told her that Grell was not dead but in hiding.

A well-groomed man sauntered up to them and shook hands warmly with Foyle. "She has not come out yet," he said. "Good," exclaimed Foyle. "Come on, Wills. You have a good look at this woman when she does come out, and stoop down and tie your shoe-lace if she's anything like the woman who visited Robert Grell on the night of the murder. Be careful now. Don't make any mistakes.

He was a moment preparing the materials and then placed a blank sheet of paper on a little table in front of Grell. "Will you kindly hold out your hands?" he said. As Grell did so he smeared the tips of the fingers of the right hand with ink. "Now press your fingers lightly but firmly on the paper. Thank you."

This morning we laid a trap for Lola. She was suddenly aroused out of her sleep, and I surprised her into what amounted to an admission of guilt." Grell rose from his chair with extended hand. "I rather believe that I have made a fool of myself," he said. "You have done a great deal more than you adopt credit for. I cannot thank you now, but later I suppose I am at liberty now.