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They came within view of the servants he walked quietly to the carriage assisted her into it, pressed her hand and said in a low voice, "Farewell for ever." The carriage-door was shut. "Where to, my lady?" said the footman. "The Duchess of Greenwich's, or home, Caroline?" "Oh! home, if I may choose," said Caroline. "Home!" said Lady Jane.

Storer, and Sir G. Cooper, and in their rides they call upon me, but besides the Harridans of this neighbourhood, the Greenwich's, the Langdales, &c., I have in the Onslows and Darrels an inexhaustible fund of small talk, and, what is best of all, I have made an intimacy, which will last at least for some months, with my own fireside, to which, perhaps, in the course of the next winter I may admit that very popular man, Mr.

"Bless me!" cried Mrs. Crabstock. And "Bless me!" cried Lady Jane Granville. "We are to be at the Duchess of Greenwich's ball: Caroline, my dear time for us to move. My lord, might I trouble your lordship to ask if our carriage is to be had?" Lord William, before she had completed the request, obeyed.

"I am impatient, my dear Caroline, to see your Count Altenberg. I heard him most highly spoken of yesterday by a Polish nobleman, whom I met at dinner at the Duke of Greenwich's. Is it true, that the Count is to be prime minister of the Prince of ? the Duke of Greenwich asked me this question, and I promised I would let his grace know from the best possible authority but I did not commit you.

However, the Falconers seem in great favour at present; the commissioner hopes Lord Oldborough may do something for Buckhurst. Last Sunday, when I went to hear him preach, I saw the whole family of the Falconers, in grandeur, in the Duke of Greenwich's seat. The Marchioness of Twickenham was there, and looked beautiful, but, as I thought, unhappy.