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The minister had not searched long before he was startled by a cry a faint and childish cry: 'Arto Jenny Greenteeth? 'No, my boy; I'm Mr. Penrose. 'It's noan th' parson aw want; aw want th' fairy. And then the chilled and startled boy was carried down to the men below.

'Yi; it's bin a bruiser i' id time, an' no mistak'; but it's turned o'er a new leaf naa and it's noan so far off th' child; and Malachi, too, commenced to encourage it in its search. 'It looks to me as th' child's getten up theer somehaa; and so saying, Moses pointed to the ledge of rock where Jenny Greenteeth was said to slumber through the winter's cold.

Did the boy think of home of fire of bed? Not he! He thought only of Jenny Greenteeth, the sprite of the Clough, and of the Gin Spa Well, above which she was said to sleep; and on he roamed. And now the path became narrower and more tortuous, while on the steep sides the snow was gathering in ominous drifts.

A few days previous to his disappearance in the snow he had heard the legend of Jenny Greenteeth, the haunting fairy of the Green Fold Clough, and how that she, who in the summer-time made the flowers grow and the birds sing, hid herself in winter on a shelf of rock above the Gin Spa Well, a lone streamlet that gurgled from out the rocky sides of the gorge.

The story laid hold of his young mind, and under the glow of his imagination assumed the proportions of an Arabian Nights' wonder. He dreamed of it by night, and during the day received thrashings not a few from his zealous schoolmaster, because his thoughts were away from his lessons with Jenny Greenteeth in her Green Fold Clough retreat.