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"What can have become of Greensnake?" exclaimed Hector, as soon as they had time and breath to speak. "I hope that he has not played us false, and gone off with the horses." "I have no fear of that," answered Loraine. "The old hunter would not have sent him with us unless he had perfect confidence in his honesty.

His eyes twinkled as Peter and Johnny very politely wished him good morning. "Good morning," said he gruffly. But Peter had seen that twinkle in his eyes and knew that Grandfather Frog was feeling good-natured in spite of his gruff greeting. "If you please, Grandfather Frog, why doesn't Mr. Greensnake wink at us when we wink at him?" he asked. "Chug-a-rum!

This account naturally increased Loraine's desire to see the original of the beautiful picture; but a sense of delicacy prevented him further questioning his young companion about her, being well assured that he would before long tell him all he knew. Hector, indeed, talked away for the whole party, for Greensnake never uttered a word except from absolute necessity, and then it was in Cree.

"But Greensnake advised us not to fire, lest we should discover our camp to the Indians," said Hector; "and I don't fancy that at this time of the year wolves would be daring enough to attack us." "They may, however, attack the horses," answered Loraine. "I will go and warn him, so that he may collect them." "He is on the alert, depend upon that," said Hector; "and well knows what to do."

"No, no," said Hector. "I have had my share already; but pray do you lie down, and I will watch." At length Loraine consented to do this, expecting to be able to arouse himself in a short time; while Hector, taking his rifle in hand, began to walk up and down, anxiously looking out for Greensnake.

Immediately afterwards, the lad who has been introduced as Greensnake glided noiselessly up in a fashion appropriate to his name, and squatted down close to his master, waiting patiently until Loraine handed him a share of the food.

Peter would say that he didn't mean to, and to make up for it would be "it" and try to catch Johnny. Now it happened that curled up on a little grassy tussock, taking an early morning sun-bath, lay little Mr. Greensnake. Of course Peter Rabbit and Johnny Chuck were not afraid of him. If it had been Mr. Rattlesnake or Mr. Gophersnake, it would have been different. But from little Mr.

Loraine aroused Hector, and having made up the fire, intending to come back for breakfast, he charged the dogs to watch over the baggage, and then set out in search of Greensnake and the horses. Loraine endeavoured to trace the course he had taken during the night, but the trail was so indistinct that he could not be certain in what direction he had gone.

From some information brought me by Greensnake, I suspect that the Blackfeet have formed a plot to take it. Hearing that the Captain holds the Indians cheaply, and is not likely to be warned by what I might tell him, I am on my way to Fort Edmonton to advise that he should be put on his guard, and that assistance may be sent him without delay."

They speedily, if not very scientifically, cut off a portion of the meat, which they did up with strips of the cubs' hides into two packages, the dogs meantime enjoying a magnificent feast off the remains. They then retired to the camp, still as much in the dark as ever as to what had become of Greensnake and the horses.