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They had turned the flat sandy plain into a grassy park, with little cottages of picturesque exterior set down all over it at random, apparently, for they faced in all directions; while the green-bordered highways wound in and out among them, like satin ribbon with a velvet edge.

"Think Astro'll make it?" asked Phil. "I don't know," answered Tom, "I saw him sweating over there like a man facing death." "I guess he is in a way." Astro took his place in line and shrugged his shoulders when Tom leaned forward to give him a questioning look. "Go ahead, Tom," urged Phil. Tom turned and dropped his tube into the green-bordered slot and waited.

Lawford nodded, with eyes fixed blankly on the candle, and turning once more, made his way slowly down the narrow green-bordered path upon which the stars rained a scattered light so feeble it seemed but as a haze that blurred the darkness. He pushed open the little white wicket and turned his face towards the soundless, leaf-crowned hill.

She rode down among them, and was glad when she saw the huge mittens her landmarks. At last she espied the green-bordered wash and the few cedar-trees. Then a horse blazed red against the sage and another shone black. That sight made Lucy thrill. She rode on, eager now, but moved by the strangeness of the experience. Before she got quite close to the cedars she saw a man.

There was a sudden stir in the room and Tom looked up to see Roger Manning walk to the slot and casually deposit his tube in the green-bordered slot. Then he leaned idly against the wall waiting for it to be returned. As he stood there, he spoke to Dr. Dale, who smiled and replied. There was something about his attitude that made Tom boil. So fast? He glanced at his own papers.

In this green-bordered avenue of water, which extended nine or ten miles, the thick foliage shut out the breeze, and our boatman was obliged to go ahead in his little boat and tow us along. "There are Indians out West," said Euphemia, as she sat gazing into the mangroves, "who live on roots, but I don't believe they could live on these. The pappooses would certainly fall through."

He could have shot Dyer in the midst of his religious services at the altar; he could have killed Tull in front of wives and babes. He walked the three racers down the broad, green-bordered village road. He heard the murmur of running water from Amber Spring. Bitter waters for Jane Withersteen! Men and women stopped to gaze at him and the horses. All knew him; all knew the blacks and the bay.

Or a confirmed optimist in overalls?" Sophie gave him a queer sidelong glance. "Can't you let the dead past bury its dead?" she asked quietly. Thompson kept his eyes on the smooth, green-bordered road for a minute. The quick wave of feeling passed. He stifled it indeed, felt ashamed for letting it briefly master him.

Tom sat beside his cousin, Jack Chadwick, on the driver's seat of a curious-looking automobile which was whizzing down the smooth, broad, green-bordered road that led to Nestorville, the small town outside Boston where the Boy Inventors made their home. The car that Jack Chadwick was driving differed in a dozen respects from an ordinary automobile. There was no engine hood in front.

"Wetzel cannot go there, so I'll take you all in my canoe." "There's no room; I'll wait," replied Joe, quietly. Jim noted his look a strange, steady glance it was and then saw him fix his eyes upon Nell, watching her until the canoe passed around the green-bordered bend in the stream. Unmistakable signs of an Indian town were now evident.