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The story of Fu-Manchu, and of the organization called the Si-Fan which he employed as a means to further his own vast projects, is almost told. Kennedy accomplished the perilous climb to the lip of the well, and sped barefooted to Graywater Park for ropes. By means of these we all escaped from the strange chapel of the devil-worshipers.

Sir Lionel Barton's penchant for strange visitors, of which we had had experience in the past, was exemplified in the person of Homopoulo. It was during this expedition that the death of a distant relative had made him master of Graywater Park; and the event seemingly had inspired the eccentric baronet to engage a suitable factotum.

"The present dining-room of Graywater Park lies almost due south of this spot," he mused. "Suppose we try back." We retraced our steps to the foot of the stair.

Oram, the dignified housekeeper, had rendered possible her visit to this bachelor establishment. In fact it was largely in the interests of the girl's health that we had accepted. On our arrival at Graywater Park we had learnt that our host had been stricken down an hour earlier by sudden illness.

How we got out of the secret labyrinth of Graywater Park into the grounds and around the angle of the west wing to the ivy-grown, pointed door, where once the chapel had bee, I do not know. Light seemed to spring up about me, and half-clad servants to appear out of the void. Temporarily I was insane.

"I was startled, for a moment, until the lamentations of the leopard family reminded me of the fact that Sir Lionel had transferred his menagerie to Graywater!" Truly, this was a singular household. In turn, Graywater Park had been a fortress, a monastery, and a manor-house.

It was at a late hour that we had separated, and none of us, I think, welcomed the breaking up of our little party. Mrs. Oram, the housekeeper, had been closely questioned by Smith for Homopoulo, as a new-comer, could not be expected to know anything of the history of Graywater Park.

I exclaimed "some one who rides a galloping horse!" "Coming here!" added Sir Lionel. "Hark! he is at the door!" A bell rang furiously, again and again sending its brazen clangor echoing through the great apartments and passages of Graywater. "There goes Kennedy." Above the sibilant roaring of the rain I could hear some one releasing heavy bolts and bars.

"We had very definite proof," continued Smith, "of the fact that Fu-Manchu and company were conversant with that elaborate system of secret rooms and passages which forms a veritable labyrinth, in, about, and beneath Graywater Park. Some of the passages we explored.

Nayland Smith, who palpably had been as ill at ease as myself, and who had not escaped the contagious habit of speaking in a hushed whisper, suddenly began, in a loud and cheery manner, to tell us something of the history of Graywater Park, which in his methodical way he had looked up.