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I did not know then that the house which Alma had been talking of was not my father's house, but Castle Raa. I did not know then that the person who had lived there was her mother, and that in her comely and reckless youth she had been something to the bad Lord Raa who had lashed my father and sworn at my grandmother.

It is significant that later these expensively obtained glasses were discarded as "too much trouble." The summer Stella was thirteen, Grandmother Beckman came to spend her last days in her son's home. The granddaughter had been named for her, and Grandmother was frail and old and needed attention. Grandmother also had some means.

Where have you ben to, Miranda Griscom, and what on airth you ben up to now?” was the greeting she received as she lifted the latch of the old green kitchen door of her grandmother’s house. Miranda knew that the worst was to come now, for her grandmother never mentioned the name of Griscom unless she meant business.

"Double!" remarked Felix. "The figures are variously given. My estimate " "One in sixty. That shows you!" At this interruption of Derek's John frowned slightly. "What does it show you?" he said. Derek glanced at his grandmother. "Oh, nothing!" "Of course it shows you," exclaimed Sheila, "what a heartless great place it is.

Rud happened to remember that his grandmother in Sweden was being buried just now, and this made them go about the matter with a certain amount of solemnity. They made a coffin out of a matchbox, and ornamented it with moss; and then they lay on their faces and lowered the coffin into the grave with twine, taking every possible care that it should not land upon its head.

Little Red Riding Hood, who always used to do as she was told, straight undressed herself, and stepped into bed; but she thought it strange to see how her grandmother looked in her nightclothes, so she said to her: "Dear me, grandmamma, what great arms you have got!" "They are so much the better to hug you, my child," replied the wolf.

The two women of the household, the mother and grandmother, with blue cloth rolled about their head for headgear, brought us coffee and cake a-field.... "Aeftermittagscaffee," they called it. It refreshed us; we worked on after that till late supper by lamp, driving back to the house by moonlight. At Duluth I found that a strike prevailed on the Lakes.

Well; I give you up, sir, I give you up. I spend my money to get you out of this place, away from this female, old enough to be your grandmother, and you come back and say you are as much in love with her as ever. I swear, I don't believe you have a drop of my blood in you!"

They ordered the grandmother across the lines, as a wealthy sympathizer and political agent of the Southern cause; they seized her house, confiscated it, used it as officers' headquarters: in the end they killed her with grief and care; they sent her sons, every man of them, into the Southern armies, ravaged their plantations, liberated their slaves, left them dead on the fields of battle, or wrecked in health, hope, fortune.

It was no other than our sly Eben and Miss Gertrude Greensleeves was the name of the bride far too young for him, of course, but he had taken his mother into his confidence and not a man of us dared say a word. Doubtless the women did, but even they not in the hearing of Mary Lyon. But now we were at rest, and quite ten days ago grandmother had arrived with her cargo.