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And Fra Girolamo's mind never stopped short of that sublimest end: the objects towards which he felt himself working had always the same moral magnificence. He had no private malice he sought no petty gratification. "Se vi pare che io abbia detto poche cose, non ve ne maravigliate, perche le mie cose erano poche e grandi."

During the domination of the Albizzi and the Medici the old order of the commonwealth had been completely broken up. The Arti had lost their primitive importance. The distinctions between the Grandi and the Popolani had practically passed away. In a democracy that has submitted to a lengthened course of tyranny, such extinction of its old life is inevitable.

If you attempt to say any word to my wife, or to force an entrance, I will make short work of you." Benoni eyed him with a sort of pitying curiosity as he made this speech: "Do not fear, Signor Cardegna. I came to see Signor Grandi, and to ascertain from him precisely what you have voluntered to tell me.

Tempore prandij in hac aula, Imperator et Imperatrices, et quisque de praedictis, habet mensam sibi solam, quarum vilior praeualet thesauro grandi.

There stood the beautiful baroness, alone, with all her dark soft things around her, as pale as death, and her eyes swollen sadly with weeping. Nino had come home and told me something about the scene in the morning, and I can tell you I gave him a piece of my mind about his follies. "Does Professor Cornelio Grandi live here?" she asked, in a low, sad voice. "I am he, signora," I answered.

We had, besides, about a dozen civil clerks in the police of the island, or in the administration of justice, entitled 'grandi offciali di terra'. Those who were blessed with handsome wives had the pleasure of seeing their houses very much frequented by admirers who aspired to win the favours of the ladies, but there was not much heroic love-making, perhaps for the reason that there were then in Corfu many Aspasias whose favours could be had for money.

"Yes, signorina," he answered, "Professor Grandi says it was built for public baths; but, of course, we all think it was a temple." "Were you ever there at night?" asked she, indifferently, and the sun through the window so played with her golden hair that Nino wondered how she could ever think of night at all. "At night, signorina? No indeed! What should I go there at night to do, in the dark!

The Florentines murmur against those who had been advocates of the war Rinaldo degli Albizzi encourages the citizens Measures for the prosecution of the war Attempt of the higher classes to deprive the plebeians of their share in the government Rinaldo degli Albizzi addresses an assembly of citizens and advises the restoration of the Grandi Niccolo da Uzzano wishes to have Giovanni de' Medici on their side Giovanni disapproves of the advice of Rinaldo degli Albizzi.

By the by, I am wandering, I am sorry to see you here. I hope you understand that." He looked at me with the most cheerful expression. I believe I was beginning to be angry at his insulting calmness. I did not answer him. "Signor Grandi," he said in a moment, seeing I was silent, "I am enchanted to see you, if you prefer that I should be.

After the Guelfs had conquered the Ghibellines, and the people had absorbed the Grandi in their guilds, the next chapter in the troubled history of Florence was the division of the Popolo against itself. Civil strife now declared itself as a conflict between labour and capital.