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Ye see I hae been thinking it wad be a sair thing on twa young folk, like Grace and me, to put aff our marriage for mony years till I was abroad and came back again wi' some gear; and they say folk maunna take booty in the wars as they did lang syne, and the queen's pay is a sma' matter; there's nae gathering gear on that and then my grandame's auld and my sisters wad sit peengin' at the ingle-side for want o' me to ding them about and Earnscliff, or the neighbourhood, or maybe your ainsell, Elshie, might want some good turn that Hob Elliot could do ye and it's a pity that the auld house o' the Heugh-foot should be wrecked a'thegither.

Sybil Gerard! What a beautiful name is Sybil!" "My mother's name," said Gerard; "and my grandame's name, and a name I believe that has been about our hearth as long as our race; and that's a very long time indeed," he added smiling, "for we were tall men in King John's reign, as I have heard say." "Yours is indeed an old family."

Showed what in youth its glance had been; Whose doom discording neighbors sought, Content with equity unbought; To him the venerable priest, Our frequent and familiar guest, Whose life and manners well could paint Alike the student and the saint; Alas! whose speech too oft I broke With gambol rude and timeless joke; For I was wayward, bold, and wild, A self-willed imp, a grandame's child; But half a plague, and half a jest, Was still endured, beloved, carest."

And Thelma wept as many of her sex weep, without knowing why, save that all suddenly she felt herself most lonely and forlorn like Sainte Beuve's "Colombe gemissante, Qui demande par pitie Sa moitie, Sa moitie loin d'elle absente!" "A wicked will, A woman's will; a cankered grandame's will!" King John. "By Jove!"

"I fear me she will only plead to be left to the grandame's treatment, as before." "Never, Friedel! I will never see her so used again. I released this man solely to show that she is to rule here. Yes, I know all about freebooting being a deadly sin, and moreover that it will bring the League about our ears; and it was a cowardly trick of Jobst to put those branches in the stream.

Her grandame's own precious, royal, queenly little darling!" and as a fresh cry broke out, "Yes, yes; she shall to her presence chamber. Usher her, Gilbert." "Bess's brat!" muttered Dame Mary, in ineffable disappointment.