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Extreme measures were, however, not agreeable to Epicureans, who in general had nothing but condemnation for civil war. However, Octavian's strong stand could only have pleased them: Caesar's grand-nephew and heir would naturally be to them a sympathetic figure.

Only when in desperate need had Alf applied to him, and had never been refused assistance. Dying, the old man had left a will bequeathing his large fortune to his grand-nephew, in the firm belief that Alf, having run his wild career, would find his way to his native land, to lead a faithful Christian life, and be the centre of wide benevolent enterprises.

Imperialism at last proved fatal to genius and the higher interests of mankind; but imperialism was the creation of Julius Caesar, as a real or supposed necessity; it was efficiently and beneficently continued by his grand-nephew Augustus; and its consolidated strength became an established institution which the civilized world quietly accepted.

His grandson and not his grand-nephew was his heir provided anybody could dig up the fellow, and I was the boy that could do that. I proved that to you, Alan Massey." "You proved nothing. You scared me into handing you over a whole lot of money, you blackmailing rascal, I admit that. But you didn't prove anything. You showed me the baby clothes you said John Massey wore when he was stolen.

He talked of emigrating to Australey 'imself, and then, acting on the advice of Bill Chambers who said it was a cheaper thing to do he wrote to his uncle instead, and, arter reminding 'im that 'e was an old man living in a strange country, 'e asked 'im to come to Claybury and make his 'ome with 'is loving grand-nephew.

Starting from the Capitol with such magnificence and ancient pomp that it seemed as if one were back in the old times of the Emperors and the triumphs of the Romans. This feast was celebrated on the occasion of the marriage of Senhor Ottavio, son of Pedro Luiz, and grand-nephew of our Lord Pope Paul III., to Senhora Margarida, adopted daughter of the Emperor.

All the friends of her own day were gone, and she had no gift for making new ones, but her grand-nephew grew into her heart. His mother watched this with a curious jealousy. "If she had only taken one of the girls! Marcia ought to belong there." "Nonsense!" replied her husband. "It would be a dull home for a girl. Let her have Floyd. The lad is fond of her, and she loves him.

Her introduction to her grand-nephew, as described by his father, Sir John, was exceedingly quaint: "Now, let me tell you how tilings fell out. Dr. Groskopff took Willie with him to Aunty, but without saying who he was. Says she, 'What little boy is that? Says he, 'The son of a friend of mine. Ask him his name. However, Willie would not tell his name.

Two years later a little daughter was born, but died before she was a year old. Then, just when the old Admiral was beginning to grumble because there seemed to be no prospect of a grand-nephew to inherit Woodbine, Mary Ashby presented him with not only an heir but an heiress as well, and the old gentleman came very near a balloon ascension.

"Of course," said she, "that is something that would hardly be said of the daughter of Boniface Newt." And Mrs. Dagon resumed the study of Mrs. Dinks. "Or of the grand-nephew of Christopher Burt," said the latter, putting up her own glasses and returning the stare. "Grand-nephew! Is Alfred Dinks not the grandson of Mr. Burt?" asked Mrs. Newt, earnestly. "No, he is his grand-nephew.