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"Moreover," he added icily, "you will confine your professional attentions to the other sex. You are sure about the paper?" "Yes." "Your trip to New York last night was hum uneventful?" "Yes." "You will go again to-night?" "It is unnecessary. Granberry is at the Westfall farm." "Ah!"

Willie was standing before the mirror, deeply interested in smoothing down the blond grass-plot on his head, which seemed to give him lots of trouble. Myra was always full of life and devilment. She stopped and stuck her head in our door. She certainly was good-looking. But I knew how Joe Granberry stood with her. So did Willie; but he kept on ba-a-a-ing after her and following her around.

I pulled a San Augustine paper out of my hip-pocket, and showed him an item. It was a half a column about the marriage of Myra Allison and Joe Granberry. "Willie laughed, and I saw I hadn't touched him. "'Oh, says he, 'everybody knew that was going to happen. I heard about that a week ago. And then he gave me the laugh again.

I tell you, she had the blackest eyes, the shiniest curls, and the most tantalizing Oh, no, you're off I wasn't a victim. I might have been, but I knew better. I kept out. Joe Granberry was It from the start. He had everybody else beat a couple of leagues and thence east to a stake and mound.

"Excellency," choked Themar, horrified by the Baron's unprecedented display of passion, "there was a blunder I dared not tell." "Who blundered?" thundered his chief. "I. Granberry, I thought, was to go to his cousin's camp," panted Themar quaking. "I heard Sherrill telephone later he told some men " "You took the car " prompted the Baron icily.

Now, reader, that is a fine description of this memorable battle. That's it no more, no less. I was in it all, and saw General Granberry captured. We did our level best to get up a fight, but it was no go, any way we could fix it up. I mean no disrespect to General Hood. He was a noble, brave, and good man, and we loved him for his many virtues and goodness of heart.

Not who was the best general, or colonel, or captain but "who ranked?" I desire to state that they left the army on account of rank. O, this thing of rank! Many other generals resigned, and left us privates in the lurch. But the gallant Cheatham, Cleburne, Granberry, Gist, Strahl, Adams, John C. Brown, William B. Bate, Stewart, Lowery, and others, stuck to us to the last.

"I I did not know it was Poynter until he fell," urged Themar trembling. "Granberry and he are similar in build." "Who attempted to kill Miss Westfall?" blazed the Baron, shaking his valet into chattering subjection. "Excellency, I know not!" protested Themar swallowing painfully. "There was still another man he dashed ahead and stole the car."

Your great love and ambition for the boy drove you to madness." He paused. "You are fully decided to break faith with Phaedra, knowing what may come of it?" "Yes. Even if my great love for Miss Westfall did not drive me on " "To indiscretion!" supplied the Baron dryly. "As you will. Even then, to me it is now the one way out. With Granberry dead, with the treacherous paper in my possession "

"Willie steered me down some side streets till we came to a little white cottage in a new lot with a twenty-by-thirty-foot lawn decorated with brickbats and old barrel-staves. "'Halt and give the countersign, says I to Willie. 'Don't you know this dugout? It's the bird's-nest that Joe Granberry built before he married Myra Allison. What you going there for?