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I can't believe that Justice will make the same mistake twice and even if she does I would rather she had the chance. I am much encouraged by the last reports from Kilcup and Warren. I've long felt that it was Jacob Gramm who did for my poor uncle, though I didn't like to accuse him of it when the proofs seemed all the other way.

"They've found her living with some nieces out there," he went on to explain. "She appears to have been half over the world since old Gramm died home to Germany back to America to Denver to Chicago to Milwaukee to the Lord knows where and now she has fetched up in Omaha. She strikes me in the light of an unquiet spirit.

Colonel von Gramm had tried violence, and it had failed. Gold might be more successful. He published it abroad over the countryside that 500frs. would be paid for information. There was no response. Then 800frs. The peasants were incorruptible.

Thus, unchronicled amid the battles and the sieges, there broke out another war, a war of individuals, with foul murder upon the one side and brutal reprisal on the other. Colonel von Gramm, of the 24th Posen Infantry, had suffered severely during this new development.

He certainly had more reason to do the trick than I had, for my uncle had been a brute to him for thirty years, while he had only worried me for two. He wasn't half a bad old chap, either old Gramm and it was one of the mysteries of the place to me that he could have stood it so long.

It generally pops at you round some queer corner, where it takes you by surprise. Before leaving Omaha I'd come to see that Amalia Gramm was by no means the least valiant of her sex."

Old Chris Ford was found dead in his bed shot in his sleep. On the premises there had been but three persons, one of whom must have committed the crime Norrie Ford, and Jacob and Amalia Gramm. Jacob and Amalia Gramm had been the old man's servants for thirty years. Their faithfulness put them beyond suspicion.

He had too often counselled his clients to let sleeping dogs lie, not to be aware of the advantage of doing it himself; and so, restraining his jealous curiosity, he turned the conversation back to the evidence of Amalia Gramm.

We're going to pull him through." For the instant her anxiety was diverted into another channel. "Does that mean that Amalia Gramm has told you anything?" "She's told us everything. I thought she would.

True, the evidence might have been twisted to tell against old Gramm and his wife, but they hadn't been dissipated, and they hadn't been indicted, and they hadn't gone round making threats against Chris Ford's life like you." "I didn't mean them. It was nothing but a boy's rage " "Yes, but you made them; and when the old man was found But I'll not go into that now.