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There's that gran' place they ca' Huntly Castel! a suckin' bairn to this for age, but wi' wa's, they tell me, wad stan' for thoosan's o' years: wad ye believe 't? there's a sowlless chiel' o' a factor there diggin' park wa's an' a grainery oot o' 't, as gien 'twar a quarry o' blue stane!

I do not feel myself competent to judge-but I have no doubt but it will become the grainery of the continent and the supplier of half Europe. The farmer in the Provinces who has a good farm and who can make a fair living would be foolish to leave it for the hazard of an attempt in the new country.

'It is a pity, wrote Newton, the collector of the customs at Annapolis and Canso, in 1719, that 'so fine a province as Nova Scotia should lie so long neglected. As for furs, feathers, and a fishery, we may challenge any province in America to produce the like, and beside that here is a good grainery; masting and naval stores might be provided hence.

"A sap-headed fool, I guess it was, that found him, and let him slip off in that way," said Colwell. "That may be; but he did one wise act of his life, in his treatment to the borrower, and I dare say that man will never violate his vow," answered Fabens. "I don't know about that," said Teezle. "I should be afraid on't, and lock up my grainery olers after."

That enemy is himself, and self-forgiveness is the most difficult, as it is the last to obtain." "That may be all so, but I'd a given him some, I swanny, if I had a ketched him in my grainery," said Colwell. "I never see it in Fabens's light afore," interrupted Teezle. "Nor I," "nor I," added others; and the discussion ended.