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Hepding holds that in some cases there was an actual burial, and awakening with the god to a new life. In any case it is clear that the successful issue of the test of initiation was dependent upon the resurrection and revival of the god. Now is it not clear that we have here a close parallel with the Grail romances?

Is it not possible that, in these armed youths, who were in some cases, notably in that of the Salii, at once warriors and priests, we have the real origin of the Grail Knights?

On the southward mountainside, he created by sorcery a wonderful pleasure-palace and garden, in which uncannily beautiful women grew. This lay in the path of the knights of the Grail, a temptation and a trap, and one so effectual that he who permitted himself to be lured into it was lost; there had been no exception, safety lay singly in avoidance.

In the morning of life they are rapt by intoxicating visions of some great haberdashery business, beckoned to by the voluptuous enticements of the legal profession, or maybe the Holy Grail they forswear all else to seek is a snug editorial chair. These quests and dreams were not for me. Since I was man I have had but one dream, namely, Woman.

Reference to some recent studies in the Legend will make my meaning clear. A reviewer of my small Quest of the Holy Grail volume remarked that I appeared to be ignorant of Miss Peebles's study The Legend of Longinus "which materially strengthens the evidence for the Christian origin." Now this is precisely what, in my view, the study in question, which I knew and possessed, does not do.

And for her, had not her weak life become one flame of love a cup of the Holy Grail, beating and pulsing with the Divine Life? The dawn came. She pulled restlessly at her white wrapper seemed to be in pain whispered something of 'a weight. Then the last change came over her. She opened her eyes but they saw no longer. Nature ceased to resist, and the soul had long since yielded itself.

He seems comfortably lodged with his friend Ackroyd. Mrs. Ackroyd opened the door to me; of course I didn't know her, and she wouldn't know me; Grail told me who it was afterwards. I could recall no likeness to her sister. 'There is very little. The poor girl is in calm water at last, I hope. She was to have been married on Midsummer Day, and, the night before, Mrs.

'Now, isn't he a fine fellow, mother? I'm so glad you've seen him. 'He seems a very pleasant young man indeed, Mrs. Grail replied. 'He's not quite the picture I'd made of him, but his way of speaking makes you like him from the very first. 'I never heard him say a word yet that didn't sound genuine, Gilbert added. 'He speaks what he thinks, and you won't find many men who make you feel that.

Titurel having reached so great an age that he had no longer strength to perform the service of the Grail, invested with the kingly office Amfortas, his son. The latter undertook at once the removal of the standing danger to his knights, the destruction of Klingsor.

So for many years it was carefully kept, and people took long journeys to see the Holy Grail, which the Master himself used when He was on earth. But one day the cup passed into the hands of one who was not worthy, and, as it had been said, it was lost. They searched for it far and near, but it could not be found. Finally there came some men who called themselves knights.