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'The very gracefullest of chimney-pots-is he not? says the Countess to Harry, whose immense guffaw fails not to apprise Laxley that something has been said of him, for in his dim state of consciousness absence of the power of retort is the prominent feature, and when he has the suspicion of malicious tongues at their work, all he can do is silently to resent it.

We know in what coarse outcome such an estimate of the dignity of other life than the life heroic has practically issued; in what barbarous vindication of barbarous law-breaking in Jamaica, in what inhuman softness for slavery, in what contemptuous and angry words for 'Beales and his 50,000 roughs, contrasted with gentle words for our precious aristocracy, with 'the politest and gracefullest kind of woman' to wife.

Even a keeper of swine is called noble, and fights like a hero; and the young princess of Phoeacia the loveliest and gracefullest of Homer's women drove the clothes-cart and washed linen with her own beautiful hands.

The gracefullest of trained ladies could not have passed through such an interview so perfectly in the right key; and this was the woman he had seen at the wrestle with hideous death to save a muddy street-child! She touched the gentleman in him.

Yes, sir, and went off and fetched it, and put it on the table in a small decanter-stand, like those which blind-men's dogs carry about the streets in their mouths, to catch the half-pence in; and both Kit's mother and Barbara's mother declared as he turned away that he was one of the slimmest and gracefullest young men she had ever looked upon.

In spite of her height, she seemed to him the slightest, gracefullest thing, and as she neared him, she lifted her deep brown eyes, and it was as though he had never seen before how beautiful they were. "It was kind of you to come!" she said shyly. He made no reply, till she had placed him beside her under the lime. Then he looked round him, a smile twitching his lip.

Occasionally they had a slight skirmish, as when Fanny considered herself patted on the back by that lady, or as when Mrs Merdle looked particularly young and well; but Mrs Merdle always soon terminated those passages of arms by sinking among her cushions with the gracefullest indifference, and finding her attention otherwise engaged.

'Well, sir, I hope you now acknowledge that the seignorial system is a blot on our civilisation. 'I wish it had never been invented! exclaimed the captain, very sincerely. And, with the gracefullest of bows, he got quit of Mr. Holt and his pet aversion together. Hiram's features relaxed into a smile. 'I knew I could convince him; he appears an agreeable companion, remarked Mr.

'From violets to roses, so run the seasons. Or is it, 'From violets to roses, thus far have we two travelled? But would she merely say, 'I have not this kind of flower, and I send you another? True, but would she dare to say, 'The violets no longer express my heart; take the roses? 'Maidenly, and a Princess, yet sweet and grateful, she gives you the gracefullest good speed.

The immortelle requires no attention: you just hang it up, and there you are; just leave it alone, it will take care of your grief for you, and keep it in mind better than you can; stands weather first-rate, and lasts like boiler-iron. On sunny days, pretty little chameleons gracefullest of legged reptiles creep along the marble fronts of the vaults, and catch flies.