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We jumped over the fence, and commenced grabbling for the sweet potatoes. I had got my haversack full, and had started off, when we heard, "Halt, there." I looked around, and there was a soldier guard. We broke and run like quarter-horses, and the guard pulled down on us just as we jumped the fence. I don't think his gun was loaded, though, because we did not hear the ball whistle.

As they descended in the swirl, other classes of rich men jutted into strong view. Chief among these nascent classes were the landowners of the cities, at first grabbling tradesmen and land speculators and finally rising to the crowning position of multimillionaires.

"Grabbling"; sprawling along, drawing the body, by the hands, through a small aperture in a mine. Ed. "Tines"; from the Saxon; the teeth or spikes in the rowel of a spur. Ed. "Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord." Blessedness shall attend him all the way to heaven, in proportion as that fear abounds.

In five minutes the slight freshening of the air and the soothing of the music had sent the boy to sleep, and watchful Glory closed the window and set things in their ordinary arrangement once more. Next morning Herbert made hoarse complaint. "What did you let him do, Glory, to catch such a cold?" asked Mrs. Grabbling.

Put on yer best frock, and make yer hair tidy, an' I'll see to yer gettin' a good chance." Poor Glory colored up, as Mrs. Grabbling might have done if the President's wife had bidden her. Not so, either. With a glow of feeling, and an oppression of gratitude, and a humility of delight, that Mrs. Grubbling, under any circumstances whatever, could have known nothing about.

And this is the reason that we so often lie grabbling under the black and amazing thoughts that are engendered in our hearts by unbelief; for this fear nourisheth unbelief; that is, now it doth, to wit, if we give way to it after the spirit of adoption is come, and readily closeth with all the fiery darts of the wicked.

I said, "Can't do it! No fuse." "Heaps. Dunn's and mine!" I heard Collins grabbling for it, somewhere in the dark of the tunnel. Behind me somebody lit a candle; who, I never looked to see. In the light of it I saw Collins pick up his bundle of blasting powder and warned him sharply. "Look out with that stuff! We don't know it; it may work anyway.

Blocker's overseer attempted to flog a negro he refused to be flogged; whereupon the overseer seized an axe, and cleft his skull. The Colonel justified it. "One Jones whipped a woman to death for 'grabbling' a potato hill. He owned 80 or 100 negroes. His own children could not live with him.