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Why, she was simply basting fresh cuffs into her afternoon gown. He was getting so popular that she had to be ready for callers every day. Would he like her to keep George Sewall for dinner, then they could play dominoes again? Would he like the table with the picture puzzle? He would like just to talk? Very well; they would talk.

"Necia, little girl, what is the trouble?" She was staring past him, and her fingers were fumbling helplessly with the lace of her gown, but she began to show signs of collapse. "I sent him away I gave him up, when he wanted me wanted me Oh, daddy! he wants to marry me and I sent him away." Alluna uttered a short, satisfied exclamation, and, looking at Gale meaningly, said: "It is good.

Every detail of the scene remained the same, even to the central figure; only the eye and the hand of the artist had changed. At this point Eve broke in upon his thoughts. Her first words were curiously coincidental. "What did you think of Lillian Astrupp to-night?" she asked. "Wasn't her gown perfect?" Loder lifted his head with an almost guilty start. Then he answered straight from his thoughts.

The two dogs, Spiker and Darracq, whimpering a little in the sure sympathy of faithful canine hearts, crept close beside her, and finally, after many restless turnings, curled themselves into two little balls in the fold of her gown. All her thoughts were with her friends.

There was nothing to reflect the light in the dark walls of the large square hall, and it always was shadowy, and provocative to lovers at any time. When he entered it, he looked at her for a moment without speaking, and did not approach her. "You might be the ghost of another Betty Madison in that white gown," he said.

One would think these young Virtuoso's take a gay Cap and Slippers, with a Scarf and Party-coloured Gown, to be Ensigns of Dignity; for the vain Things approach each other with an Air, which shews they regard one another for their Vestments.

"Your devoted, humble servant, "DARTHEA. My aunt said it was sweet and thoughtful of Darthea, and we had a fine laugh over the burglary of that bad man, McLane. The woman went back with two notes stitched into the lining of her gown; one was from, my aunt, and one I wrote; and to this day Darthea alone knows what it said. God bless her!

I have said how handsomely they were dressed as long as they were with their mother. When I saw the boy at Venice, who perfectly recognized me, his only garb was a wretched yellow cotton gown.

Amanda gave a timidly curious glance at her; she wondered if she had seen the purple gown. Then she started, for the village stagecoach was seen driving around to the front of the house. The house stood on a corner. "Here, Amanda, you look better than I do; you go and meet her," said Sophia. "I'll just put the cake in the pan and get it in the oven and I'll come. Show her right up to her room."

He being gone I to my office, and there very busy setting papers in order till late at night, only in the afternoon my wife sent for me home, to see her new laced gowne, that is her gown that is new laced; and indeed it becomes her very nobly, and is well made. I am much pleased with it. At night to supper, prayers, and to bed. 4th.