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Such was his opinion of this Govt., and he assured me himself that not one of their heads should be on their shoulders in ten days if they did not distribute this money in such a way as to ensure something like a successful campaign against the Turks. They have however given what I suppose they could not keep from him and what he had before; the command in Livadia, and pay 5000 men for him.

'Money has arrived lately from the Greek Committee and it was put into the hands of the Provisional Govt. What they have done with the whole of it I do not know; some they have given to Odysseus.

These for the most part resort at the Cottage Hotel, and there is no peace in the Town at this present writing. "For myself I have taken entry upon one hundred and sixty Acres Govt. Land, and live a little way out from the Town. Here I have my quarters under tent, following example of all men, for as yet there are scarce a dozen houses within fifty Miles.

The former's weapons are his talents and his tongue, the latter's his courage and his sword. Colcotronis rebelled and try'd to overthrow the provisional Government, he blockaded Napoli and was for some weeks fighting with the Govt.

Is the Provisional Govt. of Greece such a Committee? Or are they who have been tricking and trafficking to make money all their lives fit people to be entrusted with such a Commission? There is not one Patriot among them! And they are accountable to no one by law, for there are no laws in the land.

My own impression is that we ought to meet the proposal of the British govt. & to make it known, that we would view an interference on the part of the European powers, and especially an attack on the Colonies, by them, as an attack on ourselves, presuming that, if they succeeded with them, they would extend it to us.

Individually the members of the wealth-controlling class have learned that "in union there is strength"; collectively they are gripped by the "cohesion of wealth" the class conscious instinct of an associated group of human beings who have much to gain and everything to lose. Summary of the Report of the Federal Trade Commission on the Meat Packing Industry, July 3, 1918, Wash., Govt.

When he heard that money was coming from England to Napoli he left his stronghold in Parnassus and came down with the small retinue of 300 men to demand of the Govt. some remuneration for his services, he had expelled the Turks from Livadia, and he now required that they would pay 5000 men for him. This Odysseus is the only man whom I should call a Patriot among them.

He accepted this invitation and the crowd of men were soon delighted to see the Somerset senator lead the new Governor out on the floor and his long legs were soon moving in rhythm with the music. The White House Washington 3 RN JM 75 Govt. 114pm Windsor, Vermont, July 5, 1915 Hon. Jos. P. Tumulty, The White House, Washington, D.C.

I intended to try those first and ultimately to do more and take my chance of what the Govt. might think. 'But the Martin's arrival has taken the "Green Bag" away from me. I will now relate that on my arrival off Hydra, I found Miaoulis the Greek Admiral on his way to assist Psara. He seem'd much distressed, but said he would push on and see what was to be done.