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"From the Dolright stud, over the Border." "That's wrong. He come from Greystop's paddock, where my Tophet was foaled; they are brothers. Yours was stole and sold to the Gover'ment; mine was bought by good hard money. The law the keeper of stolen goods, eh? But these two will go cinch to cinch all the way, like two brothers like you and me."

"Yes," continued Joe, "if I was the Gover'ment, next time it 'appened, I'd say: 'All right, old cock, do your damnedest. I ain't responsible to you. Attack, suppress, and all the rest of it. We're goin' to do what we say, all the same! And then I'd do it. And what'd come of it?

"Guess you've bin spellin' out Gover'ment Reg'lations." "Yep. San'tary ones. Barney's thinkin' o' gettin' scoured in a kettle o' hot water," said Peddick, with a laugh. "Needs it," muttered a surly Kentuckian. "Hey!" interrupted Barney, quite undisturbed by his comrades' remarks upon his necessity for careful ablutions. "Them's Joe Bloc an' Dutch Kemp. I'd git Dutch's beard anywher's.

The money's here, all right, if yuh just know how to get it out. And flying for the gover'ment ain't the way. I'll say a man's got to be his own boss if he wants to pull down real money. Long as you're workin' for somebody else, he's getting the velvet. You ain't, believe me. And the gover'ment as a boss " "Well, good golly, come to the point!" snapped Johnny.

"Nobody would ever imagine wot bags of gold an' parcels of di'monds sailors an' firemen carry around in their kit-bags till a ship is lost an' a Gover'ment 'as to pay." Watts deemed this an exquisite joke. He laughed loudly. "That reminds me," he cried. "W'en the Gem of the Sea turned turtle on the James an' Mary "

When I get safely hid away I'll see to it that the British gover'ment learns about where ye be; for the life of me I couldn't tell 'em exactly where, for I don't know myself. But they'll find ye all right." After he had left them they went silently below, each wrapped in gloomy forebodings.

I think that's the order o't, but I'll look in the Gover'ment book afore Tuesday. Many of the company who had been drilled preferred to go off and spend their shillings instead of entering the church; but Anne and Captain Bob passed in. Even the interior of the sacred edifice was affected by the agitation of the times.

I will now take an' overthrow the blame Gover'ment. Well, this same Palachi rounds up a bunch o' insurrectos an' begins pesterin' an' badgerin' an' hectorin' the Gover'ment; an' r'arin' round an' bellerin' an' makin' a procession of hisself, till he sure pervades the landscape; an' before you knows what, lo'n beholt, here's a reel live Revolution-Thing cayoodlin' in the scenery, an' the Gover'ment is plum bothered.

If I'm hit the Gover'ment won't lose nothin'. I'm only a citizen." He had kept his eye on the clump of willows, and was sure that his man was in there, though the smoke hung around so confusingly that he could not always make out where a fresh shot came from. He got down to where an occasional bullet struck in his neighborhood, but that did not disturb him.

"'Pretty smart hit, Jimmy, Pa says, 'but it's almost a pity you didn't get three inches or so of steeletter in your hide, he says, 'after what you said to that feller sittin' beside me. 'Well, says Jimmy, 'he's a Russian, he says, 'what was mixed up in some of the Nillyist plots, and the only way to keep him quiet, he says, 'was to tell him you'd been driven looney by the cruelty of the Russian gover'ment, he says."