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Gen. and Gov'r in Chief of this Province, the Hon'ble his Majesty's Council & House of Representatives in Gen. Court assembled

They had a numerous British army to protect them, we had to combat the sons of darkness alone. In a word we had much less than they to hope for by unshaken loyalty and incomparably more to fear." The statement of Mr. Simonds is confirmed by Major Studholme who wrote to Gov'r. Parr, "Messrs.

Fenton of Boston, "I have received great civility from all sorts of people here in Halifax. I have made your compliments to the Gov'r and he has desired his to you; poor D l has had the Gout all winter, which seems to be the General Distemper in this place amongst people of Rank."

The following petition makes a fair statement of the case, though the signatures to it are not autographs: To His Excel'cy: Joseph Dudley Esq: Cap't: Generall & Gov'r: in Chief in and over Her Maj'ties: Province of Mass'ts: Bay in New-England, Together with y'e Hon'ble: the Council, & Representatives in Gen'll: Court Assembled on the 30'th of May, In the Tenth Year of Her Maj'ties: Reign Annoq Dom'i: 1711, The Humble Petition of us the Subscribers Inhabitants of Concord, Chelmsford, Lancaster & Stow &c within the County of Midd'x in the Province Afores'd.

"I have nothing more to observe to you," he adds, "but that you are not to pay any more respect to those Gentlemen, who lately styled themselves your rulers, than to every other common member of the community." On his return to Halifax, Col. Goold reported to Lt.-Gov'r Arbuthnot that the inhabitants at the River St.

Michael Francklin now began to act with vigor in the capacity of Superintendent of Indian affairs, and in consequence of his representations Lieut. Gov'r. Hughes sent to the Bay of Chaleur for the missionary Bourg to come and use his influence with the savages. He also wrote a letter to James White, appointing him his deputy on the River St. John: "Windsor, 23d July, 1778.

Majesty may bee as victorious as Caesar, as beloved as Titus, and have the glorious long reign and peaceful end of His Majesty Augustus. Three hundred guineas were presented along with this address in 'a faire embroidered purse by the Hon. the Deputy Gov'r. upon his humble knees. For pushing claims of damages against France, Sir Edward Dering, the deputy-governor, was voted two hundred guineas.

You, Jeremiah Harman, being appointed Master, & you, John Webb, mate, of a sloop taken by a Spanish privateer some time ago, belonging to some of the subjects of his Brittanick Majesty, and retaken by me by virtue of a commission granted to me by the Hon'ble Ritchard Ward, Esq., Gov'r in chief over Rhode Island & Providence plantations, &c., in New England, I order, that you keep company with my sloop, the Revenge, as long as weather will permit, & if by the Providence of God, by stormy weather, or some unforeseen accident, we should part, I then order you to proceed directly to the island of Providence, one of the Bahamia islands, and there to wait my arrival, and not to embezzle, diminish, waste, sell, or unload any part of her cargo till I am there present, under the penalty of the articles already signed by you.

This morning, about 5 A.M., Cap't Freebody went up to York in the pinnace to get provisions and leave to beat about for more hands. At 1 P.M. the Pinnace returned and brought word to Cap't Norton from Mr. Freebody that he had waited on his Honour the Gov'r, and that he would not give him leave to beat up for Volunteers.

My good friend and brother, Gov'r Pierre Tommah, and the warriors that came with him shall be taken good care of, and when they want to return home they and our brothers of Penobscot shall be furnished with everything necessary for their journey. * Never let the King's wicked counsellors turn your hearts against me and your brethren of this country, but bear in mind what I told you last February and what I tell you now."