United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Gould reached the end of the gallery and put her head through the door of her husband's room. Charles Gould, with one foot on a low wooden stool, was already strapping his spurs. He wanted to hurry back to the mine. Mrs. Gould, without coming in, glanced about the room.

The Superintendent of the Gould & Curry lived, rent free, in a fine house built and furnished by the company. He drove a fine pair of horses which were a present from the company, and his salary was twelve thousand dollars a year.

I will specify one difficult case. Almost all oceanic islands, even the most isolated and smallest, are inhabited by land-shells, generally by endemic species, but sometimes by species found elsewhere striking instances of which have been given by Dr. A.A. Gould in relation to the Pacific.

After lunch, Dona Emilia and the senor doctor came slowly through the inner gateway of the patio. The large gardens of the Casa Gould, surrounded by high walls, and the red-tile slopes of neighbouring roofs, lay open before them, with masses of shade under the trees and level surfaces of sunlight upon the lawns. A triple row of old orange trees surrounded the whole.

The acceptance of accomplished facts may save yet the precious vestiges of parliamentary institutions. Don Juste's eyes glowed dully; he believed in parliamentary institutions and the convinced drone of his voice lost itself in the stillness of the house like the deep buzzing of some ponderous insect. Charles Gould had turned round to listen patiently, leaning his elbow on the balustrade.

We approached the shore with caution, for, as I mentioned before, the sides of Gould Island are everywhere very steep, and hostile blacks, by simply dislodging some of the loose masses of rock, could easily have smashed the boat and its crew to pieces without exposing themselves to the slightest danger.

But the trip over the mountains to Sulaco was another sort of experience, in an old diligencia over impassable roads skirting awful precipices. "We have been upset twice in one day on the brink of very deep ravines," he was telling Mrs. Gould in an undertone. "And when we arrived here at last I don't know what we should have done without your hospitality.

He found out too much already, when he saw in evidence that Jay Gould had actually succeeded in stretching his net over Grant's closest surroundings, and that Boutwell's incompetence was the bottom of Gould's calculation.

By H.O. Houghton & Co. 16mo. 75 cts. Street Thoughts. By Rev. Henry M. Dexter, Pastor of the Pine Street Church. Boston. Crosby, Nichols, & Co. 12mo. 75 cts. The Great Day of Atonement, or Meditations and Prayers, etc., etc. Translated from the German of Charlotte Elizabeth Nebelin, Edited by Mrs. Colin McKenzie. Boston. Gould & Lincoln. 12mo. 75 cts. Pope or President?

Gould, could be heard. "Yes," Decoud began in a murmur. "Even he!" "This is sheer calumny," said Antonia, not very severely. "You just ask him to throw his mine into the melting-pot for the great cause," Decoud whispered. Don Jose had raised his voice. He rubbed his hands cheerily.