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'Oh, my eyes and limbs, what do you want? Oh, my lungs and liver, what do you want? Oh, goroo, goroo! I was so much dismayed by these words, and particularly by the repetition of the last unknown one, which was a kind of rattle in his throat, that I could make no answer; hereupon the old man, still holding me by the hair, repeated: 'Oh, what do you want? Oh, my eyes and limbs, what do you want?

The cap was the best part of the man, for it was very neat; in his hand he held a fly-flapper, the handle of which was covered with beads. After a number of compliments, they were presented with goroo nuts and water. They told him of their intention to proceed to Eyeo; that they were servants of the king of England; and that they wanted carriers for themselves and baggage.

Oh, my eyes and limbs goroo! don't ask for money; make it an exchange. I never was so frightened in my life, before or since; but I told him humbly that I wanted money, and that nothing else was of any use to me, but that I would wait for it, as he desired, outside, and had no wish to hurry him. So I went outside, and sat down in the shade in a corner.

With that he took his trembling hands, which were like the claws of a great bird, out of my hair; and put on a pair of spectacles, not at all ornamental to his inflamed eyes. 'Oh, how much for the jacket? cried the old man, after examining it. 'Oh goroo! how much for the jacket? 'Half-a-crown, I answered, recovering myself. 'Oh, my lungs and liver, cried the old man, 'no! Oh, my eyes, no!

Porgie talked steadily and uninterruptedly. He told her in detail of his ragpicking plans and how perfectly she would fit in. "Think of it!" he boomed. "No fetters of fashion, no gyves of convention. Free free as air free verse, free love, free lunch ah, goroo goroo!" "Goroo " agreed Warble, "sweet sweet "

Oh, my limbs, no! Eighteenpence. Goroo! Every time he uttered this ejaculation, his eyes seemed to be in danger of starting out; and every sentence he spoke, he delivered in a sort of tune, always exactly the same, and more like a gust of wind, which begins low, mounts up high, and falls again, than any other comparison I can find for it.

"Goroo, goroo!" gurgled poor Blane, and knowing exactly what was the matter, I got hold of the piece of linen that had been used as a gag, and dragging at one end, soon freed the poor fellow's mouth from its great stopper. "Ah!" he roared out, after taking a long free breath. "That was your game, Bob, but on'y just wait till I gets my lists."

No kindness on Campbell's part could rouse him to give any intelligible account of his fears or their cause. His companions said he had lost his goroo, i.e., his charm, which the priest gives him while yet a child, and which he renews or gets re-sanctified as occasion requires.

Oh, my lungs and liver, what do you want? Oh, goroo! which he screwed out of himself, with an energy that made his eyes start in his head. 'I wanted to know, I said, trembling, 'if you would buy a jacket. 'Oh, let's see the jacket! cried the old man. 'Oh, my heart on fire, show the jacket to us! Oh, my eyes and limbs, bring the jacket out!

On their way to the tents, they saw a flock of at least five hundred pelicans, but could not get near enough to fire at them. On the 11th, two of the sheik's officers arrived, with letters and a present of goroo nuts of Soudan; they have a pleasant bitter taste, and are much esteemed by all the Tripoli people.