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The only guns in the place were those of the firemen. Girbal had possession of them. Foureau did not care to deliver them up. Gorju looked at him. "You will find, however, that I know how to use them." For he added to his other occupations that of poaching, and the innkeeper often bought from him a hare or a rabbit. "Faith! take them!" said Foureau. The same evening they began drilling.

When she had got up, she tore off the gold cross that hung round her neck, and flinging it at him, cried: "There, you ruffian!" Gorju went off, lashing the leaves of the trees with his switch. Madame Castillon ceased weeping. With fallen jaw and tear-dimmed eyes she stood motionless, petrified with despair; no longer a being, but a thing in ruins.

Gorju applauded the philosophic passages in the tragedies, and everything in the people's favour in the melodramas, so that, delighted at his good taste, they thought of giving him lessons, with a view to making an actor of him subsequently. This prospect dazzled the workman. Their performances by this time became the subject of general gossip.

As he passed out of the house into the grounds, he observed Gorju smoking his pipe with folded arms. "You employ this fellow? I would not put much confidence in him in a time of disturbance." And M. de Faverges sprang lightly into his tilbury. Why did their servant-maid seem to be afraid of him? They questioned her, and she told them she had been employed on his farm.

The damage was not so great. It would be all settled before three weeks." And Gorju accompanied them into the kitchen, where Germaine was seen dragging herself along to see after the dinner. They noticed on the table a bottle of Calvados, three quarters emptied. "By you, no doubt," said Pécuchet to Gorju. "By me! never!" Bouvard met his protest by observing: "You are the only man in the house."

Amedee, having spoken of his drama to the comedian Gorju, called Jocquelet, that person, speaking in his bugle-like voice that came through his bugle-shaped nose, set himself up at once as a man of experience, giving his advice, and quoting, with admiration, Talma's famous speech to a dramatic poet: "Above all, no fine verses!"

Then the song of the Girondists shook the windows, and men, arm in arm, passed along the road from Caen, dusty, sweating, in rags. They filled up the entire space in front of the council chamber, and a great hurly-burly arose. Gorju and two of his comrades entered the chamber.

"Do you remember me?" and a shaking of hands, they all seated themselves around the table. What! is that little dumpy fellow with the turned-up nose, straight as an arrow and with such a satisfied air, Gorju, who wanted to be an actor? He is one now, or nearly so, since he studies with Regnier at the Conservatoire.

They dragged him there; and by the light of the candle that was burning on top of the stove they at last recognised Gorju. A wretched greatcoat of lasting was flapping over his shoulders. His toes could be seen through the holes in his boots. Scratches and bruises stained his face with blood. He was fearfully emaciated, and rolled his eyes about like a wolf.

"By the way in which the brigand is made to speak," said Monsieur Gravier, "it is evident that the author knew nothing of Italy. Banditti do not allow themselves such graceful conceits." Madame Gorju came up to Bianchon, seeing him pensive, and with a glance towards her daughter Mademoiselle Euphemie Gorju, the owner of a fairly good fortune "What a rhodomontade!" said she.