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The men were lining up, big backs bent double, big arms hanging loose, like the arms of gorillas. Breathless attention held the big audience silent and tense. "Don't you LOVE it?" breathed Susan, to Thorny. "Crazy about it!" Peter Coleman answered her, without turning. It was a wonderful game that followed. Susan never saw another that seemed to her to have the same peculiar charm.

He boasts that he has slain with his own hand upwards of a hundred gorillas and anthropoid apes, and, since the demand arose in Europe, he has supplied Mr. R.B.N. Walker and others with an average of one per month, including a live youngster; probably most, if not all, of them were killed by his "bushmen," of whom he can command about a dozen.

"That they are gorillas!" At her utmost speed the big aeroplane bore down on the scene of the unequal combat between Ben Stubbs and the savage beasts. The boys could see that one of the brutes had seized their stalwart companion's rifle from him and with incredible strength had broken it in half as if it had been a wooden toy.

The gorilla at least seems to have been sociable in olden times, if the apes mentioned in the Periplus really were gorillas. We thus see, even from the above brief review, that life in societies is no exception in the animal world; it is the rule, the law of Nature, and it reaches its fullest development with the higher vertebrates.

Also, when the father arrived to take him away, the cowmen allowed that they would vastly prefer chumming with howling cannibals, gibbering lunatics, cavorting gorillas, grizzly bears, and man-eating tigers than with this particular Young college product with hair parted in the middle. There was one exception to the lack of memory of the life of his early self, and that was language.

"And just think," said Venning, "that he has practically four hands, that he can spring like a lion, climb like a leopard, walk like a man, swing like a monkey, bite like a hyaena, and strike like a battering-ram. I guess I've had enough of gorillas." When Mr.

Joseph denounced Uriel privily to Dom Diego, who thundered at the heretic in his turn. "I give not my daughter to an ape," he retorted, when Uriel had expounded himself as usual. "Ianthe loves the ape; 'tis her concern," Uriel was stung into rejoining. "Nay, 'tis my concern. By Heaven, I'll grandsire no gorillas!" "Methinks in Porto thou wast an ape thyself," cried Uriel, raging.

And of apes or gorillas he had, as yet, found no trace in the forests of Manhattan. Long he mused over his find. But not a single word did he ever say to Beatrice concerning it or the flint spear-point. Only he kept his eyes and ears well open for other bits of corroborative evidence.

Bows and arrows are unknown; the Nayin or cross-bow peculiar to this people, and probably a native invention, not borrowed, as might be supposed, from Europe, is carried only when hunting or fighting: a specimen was exhibited in London with the gorillas. The people are said sometimes to bend it with the foot or feet like the Tupi Guaranis, the Jivaros, and other South Americans.

"They carried us?" "Yes. A thousand miles, I think, on their backs. What what are they, Paul?" "I don't know. Did you see them?" "No. Too dark. They are strong as gorillas and covered with hair; I felt that much. They didn't make a sound all the time. No more than half as big as me, and yet one of them carried me as if I were a baby and I weigh one hundred and seventy pounds."