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Then, with sudden ire, "Because Goramighty made you white, you tink you bery wise without any more trouble. Dat ar niggar am an abominable egotisk." "Pray what does that mean?" inquired Kenealy innocently. "What him mean? what him mean? Yah! yah!" "Yes. What does it mean?" "What him mean? Yah! What didn't you hear Missy Besford miscall him an abominable egotisk?"

Why, that's nothing!" "Goramighty, Massa Boltrope, you no swim ten day widout habin' notin' to eat, nor no water, hey?" said Snowball in astonishment. "No, you blessed donkey, I didn't say that," replied the worthy Jack tar. "I said as how I had gone without grub or water for ten days after swimming for more than twelve hours."

They are not biddable. Massa Fullalove, sar, Goramighty he reared all white men to kick up a dust, white servants inspecially, and the darkies to brush 'em; and likewise additionally to make their boots she a lilly bit."

This was an empty threat of the skipper's, as he held no weapon in his hand save the lantern; but it had the necessary effect all the same. "It's only me, massa," said a thick guttural voice from below; "only me," repeated the voice pleadingly. "Goramighty, massa, don't shoot!"

Says she, 'Massah Black' yah! yah! She always nick-nominates dis child Massa Black 'while I was praying Goramighty for self and pickaninny, I seen you out of one corner of my eye admirationing my rings; den just you take 'em, says dat ar aristocracy: 'for I don't admirationise 'em none: I've been shipwrecked. So I took 'em wid incredible condescension; and dat ar beautiful lady says to me, 'Oh, get along wid your nonsense about coloured skins!

And hit's bin march, march, all the time, right away from we'uns's homes. Goramighty only knows whar ole Bragg's a-gwine tuh. Mebbe t' Cuby. We'uns wuz willin' t' fout fur ole Tennessee, but for nary other State. When he started out o' Tennessee we'uns jest concluded t' strike out and leave him. Lordy, Mister, hain't you got something t' eat? We'uns is jest starvin' t' death. 'Deed we'uns is."

To the complete stupefaction of Rebecca, the repetition of Phoebe's words was perfect. "Why! It's Phoebe's voice," she began, but Phoebe broke in upon her suddenly. "Why, see the hills on each side of us, Mr. Droop," she cried. Droop glanced out and leaped a foot from the ground. "Goramighty!" he screamed, "she'll strike!"