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As good Christian maidens ye should all prefer Christian marriage to slavery among the Moslems, but gold in the purse is better than an unwilling bride." It was not long after sunset when old Grimaud, Count Thibaut's gooseherd, was aroused from a light sleep by a fluttering at his window. He found huddled on the sill a small dun pigeon under whose wing nestled a roll of writing.

His imagination caught the sound of an oft-repeated inquiry, 'Did ye hear about old Jos's latest trying to buy them there geese? and the appreciative laughter that would follow. The gooseherd faced him in silence. 'Well, said Mr. Curtenty again, his eyes twinkling, 'how much for the lot? The gooseherd gloomily and suspiciously named a sum. Mr.

If I should say that ganders grow also to be gelded, I suppose that some will laugh me to scorn, neither have I tasted at any time of such a fowl so served, yet have I heard it more than once to be used in the country, where their geese are driven to the field like herds of cattle by a gooseherd, a boy also no less to be marvelled at than the other.

But as for this same knave Robin Hood, I go straightway to seek him, and if I do not score his knave's pate, cut my staff into fagots and call me woman." So saying, he gathered himself together to depart. "Nay," quoth the landlord, standing in front of him and holding out his arms like a gooseherd driving his flock, for money made him bold, "thou goest not till thou hast paid me my score."

The goose had been nearer than expected, and summoned her kin; the gander had shown fight; the geese had gabbled, the gooseherd and his kind came to the rescue, the horseboys had made off; Ringan, impeded by his struggle with the ferocious gander, was caught; and Geordie had come up just in time to see him pricked with goads and axes to a tree, where a halter was making ready for him.

Curtenty named a sum startlingly less, ending in sixpence. 'I'll tak' it, said the gooseherd, in a tone that closed on the bargain like a vice. The Deputy-Mayor perceived himself the owner of twelve geese and two ganders one Brent, one Barnacle. It was a shock, but he sustained it. Involuntarily he looked at Mr. Gordon.

Curtenty suggested, throwing a side-glance at Callear the poulterer's close by, which was crammed with everything that flew, swam, or waddled. 'Call this a market? said the gooseherd. 'I'st tak' my lot over to Hanbridge, wheer there is a bit doing, by all accounts. Now, Mr.

"Art thou the Baron Otto?" said she. "Yes," answered Otto. "Prut!" said she, "and is that so! Why, I thought that thou wert a great tall fellow at least, and here thou art a little boy no older than Carl Max, the gooseherd." Then, after a little pause "My name is Pauline, and my father is the Baron.

Yet was she as lowly and simple of speech and demeanour as if she were a gooseherd of fourteen winters. In the Hall was a goodly company, and all the leaders of the Folk were therein, and Folk-might and the War-leader sitting in the midst of those stone seats on the days.

Sometimes as he so went or came he saw her squatting on a board at the edge of a coolée, her petticoat wrapped snugly around her limbs, and a limp sunbonnet hiding her nut-brown face, pounding her washing with a wooden paddle. She was her own housekeeper, chambermaid, cook, washerwoman, gooseherd, seamstress, nurse, and all the rest.