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So long as one was able to go to church, they were taken, regardless of any mental affection they might have. Mrs. Pope, Goodwife Bibber, Abigail Williams, Mary Walcut, Mary Lewes and Doctor Grigg's maid, all of whom were persons bewitched, are reported by reliable historians as being present at this "Lord's Day service."

One by one they began to draw out turnip-shaped watches from their fobs, and having first held the case to their ears to make sure that there was no deception, the dial was examined, and with a casual, "Guid nicht to ye the goodwife will be waitin'," the members of the town council and other municipal dignitaries strolled off each to his own house.

Then he overtook her, and began to rant as if he had been mad, and made her go back again in the rain; so that I never saw her till I saw her in Charlestown. But the Lord requited many of their ill doings, for this Indian her master, was hanged afterward at Boston. The Indians now began to come from all quarters, against their merry dancing day. Among some of them came one goodwife Kettle.

The goodwife touched, with a perishing hope, and rather as a matter of form, upon the subject of cooking. To her surprise, and her vast delight, the King's face lighted at once! Ah, she had hunted him down at last, she thought; and she was right proud, too, of the devious shrewdness and tact which had accomplished it.

"He would not wrong any one." "If he were my dearest foe," whispered goodwife Woodley, "he would have my sympathy for living with Dorothe Stevens." "Whist, Dame Woodley; speak not your mind so freely," whispered Sarah Drummond, "for there be those in hearing on whose ears your words had best not fall."

The goodman and the goodwife, both of whom were now present, stood astonished at this circumstance; but Nelly, who had evinced a considerable degree of composure in this trying scene, now appeared less dismayed.

She thought a little, and said, "I think you must be taking me up wrong; my man was never at the trade of reiving, and " "I would never hint that he was, goodwife," cried John, quickly, puzzled-looking himself. "I said I had a name for the thing; but they were no friends of mine who gave me the credit, and I never stole stot or quey in all my life."

Spinoza sat down on his truckle-bed with a great sigh of content. "Desideratoque acquiescimus lecto," he murmured. Then his eye roving around: "My spiders' webs are gone!" he groaned. "I could not disarrange aught in sweeping them away!" deprecated the goodwife. "Thou hast disarranged me! I have learnt all my wisdom from watching spiders!" he said, smiling. "Nay, thou jestest." "In no wise.

Did you ever taste rhubarb tart with cream to it? I have seen you making umbrellas with the rhubarb up the glen, but I'm sure the goodwife did not know the real use of it." Gilian paid no heed to the speaker, but listened with streaming eyes to the wearied note of the bird that still cried over the field.

At this the youngest child said: "Goody Nurse was at church last Lord's day with a yellow bird." "A yellow bird?" cried all. "Yes; I saw a yellow bird fly into the church and light on her shoulder." Tituba had told the poor deluded child that if Goodwife Nurse were a witch, she would be accompanied by a yellow bird. "Surely you saw no yellow bird last Lord's day."