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There is something, however, characteristic of the age and the man in Bolingbroke's instant assumption that Walpole must regard the death as a fine stroke of good-luck for himself. "What a star has our Minister," Bolingbroke wrote to a friend "Wyndham dead!" It seems strange that Bolingbroke should not even then have been able to see that the star of the great minister was about to set.

It was a startling thought; but we went on all the same, I for my part feeling I must trust to my good-luck. As we got farther in towards the mountains the obscurity increased and the air grew cooler.

No doubt you know this is a commemoration of the three wise men of the East presenting their offerings of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to our Lord. Storks are considered the sacred birds of Denmark. These harbingers of good-luck the children take great interest in, and more especially in the growth of the stork family on the roof-tree.

When he looked around, he saw, by the spring, the carcass of his horse; the panther had dragged the remains all that distance, and had eaten about two-thirds of it already. The sight reassured the Frenchman, it made it easy to explain the panther's absence and the forbearance she had shown him while he slept. This first good-luck emboldened the soldier to think of the future.

It has twice been my fate to witness the sale of Gray's most interesting collection of manuscripts and books, and at the last sale I purchased this volume. I present it to as a little token of affectionate regard by her old friend, now in his 85th year." Who will not be willing to admit the great good-luck of my friend in having such a donor for an acquaintance?

Well, good-luck to you, old girl, and your skipper, whoever he is, and I guess if your canvas stays on you'll be to anchor before a great while, for you're making steamboat time. Go it, old girl, and your little baby on behind, go it! There ain't nothing short of an ocean liner could get you now.

Ah, well, perhaps it will be better who can tell? I may not do so much, but it will all be mine, with no strings attached. Perhaps, after all, it is for the best." Talking over his troubles seemed to do Norton some good, for I am sure that he left us in a better frame of mind than we had found him. Kennedy wished him good-luck, and we again entered the lift.

But Lucullus was not only beloved by the cities which he obliged, but was also wished for by other provinces, who blessed the good-luck of those who had such a governor over them.

They all hoped he'd have a lovely time, and come home very rich; and before he could answer, she had called a gay "Good-bye and good-luck," and had rung off. Roderick was conscious of a slight feeling of surprise, and a decided feeling of relief. "She's a great girl," he said to himself admiringly. "She's just a splendid good friend and a brick, and I'll write and tell her so!"

"Sho do, black man." Pack became soberer. "Dat's one o' de great benefits o' bein' dec'rated. Dey ain't a son uv a gun on de river whut kin win lil Joe; dey all tried it." A moment's reflection told Peter how simple and natural it was for Pack to prize his military medal as a good-luck piece to be used as a last resort in crap games. He watched Tump stroke the face of his medal with his fingers.