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"Not exactly married; but listen hither, Jerry you don't know the man you're spakin' to it's a gift that God gave me but, you don't know the man you're spakin' to; however as for poor Letty, I'll provide for her some way the poor affectionate crature; an' she's good-lookin' too; however, as I said, I'll do something for her some way," and here he nodded and winked with most villainous significance.

In short, John contemplated having his daguerreotype taken as a bridal present for Maude. Accordingly, that very afternoon he arrayed himself in his best, and, entering the yellow car of a traveling artist who had recently come to the village, he was soon in possession of a splendid case and a picture which he, pronounced "oncommon good-lookin' for him."

"Now your own mudder wouldn't know you," said Dinah, stepping back to survey her work, and, strange to say, putting her black head quite artistically a little on one side. "You's a'most as good-lookin' as myself if you was on'y a little fatter. Now, mind, you's a dumb gal! Can't speak a word. Don't forgit dat. An' your name's Geo'giana. Come along."

Dave was a good-lookin' chap, too; but we couldn't get her to say a word not one. We finished the first blanky course, and, while she was gettin' our puddin' from the side-table, Dave says to me in a loud whisper, so's she could hear: "Ain't she a stunner, Joe! I never thought there was sich fine girls on the Darlin'!" But no; she wouldn't speak.

He had light grey suède gloves, and carried a gold-mounted malacca cane with a curved handle. The woman was quite young not more'n twenty, I should think and very good-lookin'. She wore a neat tailor-made dress of brown cloth, and a small black velvet hat with a big gold buckle. She had a greyish fur around her neck, with a muff to match, and carried a small, dark green leather bag."

I could not; nor, unless I was greatly mistaken, could the young lady herself. In fact, anything as serious as marriage was far from her thoughts at present, I judged. But Hephzy did not seem so sure. "No," she went on, "I don't think the curate's got much chance. But young Doctor Bayliss is different. He's good-lookin' and smart and he's got prospects.

With good, sensible shues on, dealin' out comfort to the amiable feelin' feet; rosy cheeks, bright eyes, all bearin' witness to the joys of sensible dressin' and sensible livin'. And then there wuz bright pert-lookin' young wimmen, travelin' alone in pairs, and havin' a good time to all human appearance. Anon good-lookin', manly men, with sweet pretty wives and a roguish, rosy little child or so.

Gay awnings wuz over the doors and winders, flowering shrubs and posies set off the yards, and the piazzas ornamented by the good-lookin' folks settin' out on chairs and benches, the wimmen in light, pretty summer gowns, and there wuz babies in their perambulators perambulatin' along and pretty children runnin' and playin' about.

"I live about a quarter of a mile from here," said Latimer. "The brick house with the bay windows, opposite the square. Number 89." "I'd rather see ye in," replied Stamps, cautiously. "I might go into a house I do not live in," returned Latimer. "Ye won't. It's too late. Ain't ye gwine to say nothin', Mr. Latimer?" "What do you want me to say?" "Sheby's good-lookin' gal," Stamps said.

'Member that good-lookin' little furrin feller who was down here from the settlemints? Well, he come back an' tuk her away." Jason knew the old woman was teasing him, and instead of being angry, as she expected, he looked so worried and distressed that she was sorry, and her rasping old voice became gentle with affection. "Mavis's gone to the settlemints, honey.