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But the most celebrated of those crosses, was that at Cotata, whereon an image of Xavier was placed. A blind man received sight, by embracing of that cross; two sick men were cured on the instant, one of which, who was aged, had a settled palsy, and the other was dying of a bloody flux. Copies were made of that miraculous image at Cotata; and Gasper Gonçalez brought one of them to Cochin.

It was eleven of the clock at night when he entered into the port: an hour afterwards, the house of Christopher Miranda, adjoining to that of Gonçalez, happened to be on fire. The north-wind then blowing, and the building being almost all of wood, the burning began with mighty rage, and immediately a maid belonging to the house was burned.

He was to be accompanied by two junks: one under command of Diego Belloso, and the other under that of Blas Ruyz de Hernan Goncalez, with one hundred and twenty Spaniards, some Japanese and native Indians, and all else that was necessary.

And now he chose for his companions, Balthazar Gago, Edward Silva, and Peter Alcaceva, with Francis Gonçalez, and Alvarez Ferreyra de Monte Major; without reckoning into the number a young secular Chinese, named Antonio, who had been brought up in the seminary of Sainte Foy. Some of these were intended for China, and others for Japan.

In this extremity of danger, Gonçalez bethought himself of the holy image which he had brought; falling on his knees, accompanied by all his domestic servants, he held it upwards to the flames, and invoked Father Francis to his assistance. At the same instant the fire was extinguished of itself; and the town in this manner preserved from desolation, when it was ready to be burned to ashes.

There they found Diego Belloso and Blas Ruys de Hernan Goncalez, with some Castilians who had joined them, and other Portuguese who had come by way of Malaca, and with whose assistance many battles had been won in favor of King Prauncar, who had been restored to his kingdom, although some of his provinces had not been entirely pacified.

South of Juby comes historic Cape Bojador, the 'Gorbellied, and Cabo Blanco, which is to northern what Cabo Negro is to southern Africa. The sole remarkable events in its life are, firstly, its being named by Ptolemy Granaria Extrema, whence the Canarii peoples south-west of the Moroccan Atlas and our corrupted 'Canaries; and, secondly, its rediscovery by one Goncalez Baldeza in 1440.

On page 248 the following statements are to be found: At the age of eleven years, Margarita Goncalez, whose father was a Biscayian, and whose mother was French, was married to her first husband, who was forty years old. By him she had 78 boys and 7 girls. He died thirteen years after the marriage, and, after having remained a widow two years, the woman married again.

As for Emanuel Gonçalez Figheredo, both his legs, for a long time, had been covered with ulcers, and were become so rotten, that worms were continually crawling out of them. The physicians, to divert the humours, put in practice all the secrets of their art, but without effect; on the contrary, the sinews were so shrunk up on one side, that one leg was shorter than the other.

This expedition was placed under the command of Don Diego d'Azumbuja, an experienced officer, under whom were the following naval captains, Gonçalez da Fonseca, Ruy d'Oliveira, Juan Rodrigues Gante, Juan Alfonso, Diego Rodrigues Inglez, Bartholomew Diaz, Pedro d'Evora, and Gomez Aires.