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As it proved, it was not a difficult matter to occupy the long day, since each hour brought its own occupation and a little to spare. At the threshold of the cottage they were met by startling news, Dorothy hurrying out importantly to make the announcement. "One of your little chickens has goned to Heaven, Aunt Peggy. A big bird angel took it." "What on earth does she mean?"

"She just goned away and lef' us, too," murmured Loie, looking very much puzzled. Peace was delighted. Years and years ago, when her grandfather was a boy, he had adopted a little, homeless orphan and kept him from being taken to the poor-farm. Here were two waifs needing love and care. Who had a better right to adopt them than she who had found them?

I was a-comin' doon fra Providence, an' when I got along the ither side o' whaur the tents was I see a bit lad a-layin' by the roadside, sick. It was him," pointing to Ralph and smiling kindly on him, "it was Ralph yonner. I says to 'im, 'What's the matter wi' ye, laddie? says I. 'I'm sick, says 'e, 'an' they've goned an' lef me. 'Who's lef' ye? says I. 'The circus, says he.

"She stole my kids!" "They are orphans, Saint John, and I was going to adopt them like my grandfather did Grandpa Campbell." "They ain't either orphans!" shouted the other. "They said their mother was dead and they had no home." "Mamma goned away and locked up the house," volunteered Lewie from the parsonage porch where he had taken refuge with his twin sister at the first sign of the fray.

We are dog goned hungry, for we haven't had a bite since day-break this morning. You can come back here after supper, and we will talk to you." By this time there must have been a hundred men standing around us, but when Jim told them that we wanted to eat our supper, they all scattered.

I know I said "comed," for I remember that at this period my irregular verbs were a bewildering anxiety to my poor mother. "Comed" and "goned," which I had worked out for myself, were particular favourites of mine. Mrs. Fursey passed over my grammar in dignified silence.

I almost feel as though I ought to go myself, but I cannot leave my family at the present time; now, Jim, will you go?" Bridger jumped up, rubbed his hands together and said, "I'll be dog goned if I won't, if Will goes with me." To which I replied, "I will go with you, and I think the quicker we start the better it will be for all parties concerned."

At this moment a middle-aged lady who stood near us with the tears running down her cheeks said, "Why don't you let Mr. Bridger and Mr. Drannan have their way? You see what these other men came to by not obeying their orders, and do you want to bring us all to the predicament they are in?" At this Jim said, "I'll be dog goned if they will." This settled the controversy for the time being.

Here Patsey came running up, yelling at the top of his voice, "The bear's goned! The bear's goned!" Hal and Ned jumped to their feet, exclaiming, "Which way did he go?" and, without waiting for a reply, darted off in search of him. "I hope they won't git the critter: he ain't nothin' but a cussid nuisance, no how," said Jerry, as Hal disappeared in the gloaming.

Jim grinned and said, "I'll be dog goned if I don't buy the scalp and the feathers and take all the kisses myself." This made a general laugh. I told Jim that he was too selfish, and that I would not share the kisses with him, that I would give the scalp to him and the feathers to the elder lady, and she could divide the feathers among the girls.