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Mr Blatherwick was an austere man. He would not overlook such a crime. He appealed to the other's chivalry. 'What about Violet? he said. 'Surely you don't want to lose the poor girl her job? They'd be bound to sack her, too. Adolf's eyes gleamed. 'Zo? Lizzun! When I do gom virst here, I myself do to giss Violed vunce vish. But she do push dze zide of my face, and my lof is durned to hate.

Philip examined his ugly visage and strong crooked fore-arm, as he was waiting admittance, having pounded upon the door. "Yait a bit. I'll shoost put on my trowsers," shouted a voice from the window, and the door was soon opened by the yawning landlord. "Morgen! Didn't hear d' drain oncet. Dem boys geeps me up zo spate. Gom right in." Philip was shown into a dirty bar-room.

"Halloa!" said the man in the dreadnaught, approaching and speaking in broken English. "You can hoult your chaw. There is nothing for you to cry out about. Gom dis vays." Still in growing wonderment, and feeling on the whole that I should have been much better satisfied if I had had with me the brace of revolvers I had bought that morning, I followed the man down the companion-ladder.

"Ah, what a gom ye are!" said Mary. It was her favourite and wholly untranslatable term of opprobrium. "Afther that," as Dan invariably said, "there was no use in talkin' to Mary." He suspected that on this occasion she was feeling a little puzzled herself, but wisely resolved to postpone the discussion till she should be in a better humour.

I guess if I had what I've earnt since we came on this farm, I'd have enough to go to Jericho with." "You've got as much out of it as I have. You talk about your gom' back. Ain't I been wantin' to go back myself? And ain't I kep' still 'cause I see it wa'n't no use? I guess I've worked jest as long and as hard as you, an' in storms an' mud an' heat, ef it comes t' that."

Never mind, I will have the Vice-President of our Landtag to listen to you; he is 'Sozi' but we are good friends outside the Parliament House; you shall blay to him, my young friendt, and gonfince him that there is a Got in Heaven. You will gom? Yes?" "It was beautiful," said the Grafin simply; "it made me cry. Go back to the piano again, please, at once."

Ach, my good friend,” exclaimed the Baron, grasping the young man’s hand, “das ist Bonker’s vat you call nonsense; bot I am delighted, zehr delighted, to meet you, and if you gom to Bavaria you most shoot vid me! Bravo! Ha!” From which it may be gathered that the Baron was in a genial humour. “Who is that girl?” asked Mr Bunker, pointing to an extremely pretty damsel just leaving the room.

Now I could walk side by side with Margaret and not be ashamed, at any rate not of my hat. "The rogue jerked it off when I winged him," said I. "Gom! He did jump, that's sartin," said the farmer, whose name, I ought to say, I had learned was Job Lousely. It was quite a step down to the road, and we made no further discovery till we got to the gate.

In Bavaria, at my own castle.” “You are mistaken, sir,” said Welsh. “One moment, Mr Welsh,” said Mr Bunker. “How long ago was this, Baron?” “Jost before I gom to London. He travelled viz zis ozzer gentleman, Dr Twiddel.” “You are wrong, sir,” persisted Welsh. “For his health,” added the Baron. A light began to dawn on Mr Bunker. “His health?” he cried, and then smiled politely at Welsh.

The Baron sniffed and laughed, and twirled up the ends of his mustaches till they presented a particularly desperate appearance. Yet there was a faint intonation of anxiety in his voice as he inquired "You vill gom as my friend, of course?" "I? Quite out of the question, I am sorry to say. No, Baron, you have a chance of paying a graceful compliment to your host which you must not lose. Ask Mr.