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'I I can't help it, sobbed a gentle little voice; 'I did love that baby so. 'You behaved very badly, said a gruff voice; and the two dolls jumped, for they knew it was the Gollywog speaking, and they were all afraid of him. 'You did what no doll should ever do you nearly showed you were alive before human people. 'I know it was very wrong of me, said the gentle little doll meekly.

I thanked the gollywog in the window, who, somehow or other, I think must have been a printer working late, and started off once more. After another hour's route march I came to some scattered houses, and finally to a village. I was indignantly staring at a house when suddenly, joy! I realized that what I was looking at was an unfamiliar view of the café where I had breakfasted earlier in the day.

'Punishment by death! echoed the sailor-boy. Thereupon the Gollywog made a spring upwards to the shelf, and the poor little gentle doll gave a shriek and lost her balance, and fell head first on to the floor, where she was smashed to pieces. When the shopgirls came again in the morning, the one who had served the lady found her lying there with her pretty wax face all broken.

But when one of these sacrificed an hour's glad life in order to sit by the dull chair in a corner, the cripple did not forget it. He learned in its terrible intensity the meaning of human kindness. And, in his course through the years, or as the years coursed by him, he realised that a pair of gollywog legs was not the worst disability which a human being might suffer.

'Oh dear, she said, 'how careless of me! She fell off the shelf, to be sure; I remember seeing her fall down when I took away the other doll. I ought to have put her back. But the Gollywog, who had returned safely to his own corner, chuckled to himself silently. Have you ever heard of the Dogs' Home? It is for all the poor lost dogs that the policemen find in the streets of London.

"What is the matter with me," she would be crying to herself; "that the very beasts of the field should shun me? Do they take me for a gollywog?" Halfway up the hill, the off-side grey turned his head and looked at us. We were about a couple of hundred yards behind; it was a hot and dusty day. He whispered to the near-side grey, and the near-side grey turned and looked at us also.

Then he whistled. He stood still, knowing that to approach closer would drive the dogaroo to flight or to tree climbing. There was nothing visible but two small black hands clutching the tree bole; then the gollywog face, absolutely split in two with a grin, appeared and vanished. Adams sat down.

Ronald begs for a piece of paper and a pencil, and having got it, proceeds to write down everything beginning with G. I once told Peter to do that, and his list when I looked at it ran: "God Gollywog Gordon Highlanders."... Immediately I resume my writing it begins again, "Olivia" in every tone, peremptory, beseeching, coaxing but like the deaf adder I stop my ears and refuse to hear.

There were two girls, as I said. One, the littlest girl I ever saw walk and act by herself, looked exactly like a gollywog. This was because of the huge mop of black hair. She was very pretty. She used to sit with her mother and move her toes quietly for her own private amusement. The older sister was as divine a creature as God in His skillful and infinite wisdom ever created.

The Doctor's smile and silence were not at all like the cataleptic stare and horrible silence which he had confronted in the Professor half an hour before. About the Professor's makeup and all his antics there was always something merely grotesque, like a gollywog. Syme remembered those wild woes of yesterday as one remembers being afraid of Bogy in childhood.