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Poor Mr Goldsworthy, incurable cadger that he was, was bound to feel the family reverses acutely. When he had married Miss Pennycuick for her good, in that risky manner, he had naturally expected to be rewarded for the deed. If ever it be safe to trust to appearances, it had seemed safe then, so far as the solidity of the Pennycuicks' position was concerned.

"Somebody has been wanted to deal with that extraordinary girl." "Ah, poor girl! Do you know she is very ill with brain fever? Keziah has gone to nurse her. It must have been that coming on. She was out of her mind." "I should think so and everybody else too, apparently. What were you all about, Debbie, not to see this Goldsworthy affair going on under your noses?" "It hasn't been going on.

The old maid, for her part, was enthusiastically devoted to the new sister-in-law, whom it was her joy to pet and coddle. "I can be of use to her," she tremblingly commended herself to her brother. "I can take the drudgery of the housework off her, and save her in the parish." "Well, perhaps so," said Mr Goldsworthy.

So Deb proposed to do what she felt he wished, and paid no heed to the dutiful objections which he could not make to sound genuine in her ears. She telegraphed instructions to Bob Goldsworthy to engage rooms for her and to meet her, signing the message "Aunt Deborah" her only herald.

I don't wonder at his being vexed." "Why don't you have chintz covers, Moll?" "Oh, he wouldn't like it to be covered up," Miss Goldsworthy struck in, and seemed shocked herself at the suggested waste. Mary lifted dull eyes to her sister's face. "Come and have some tea," she said. "Come, auntie; it is no use your worrying yourself."

Well, I wouldn't marry Bennet Goldsworthy if there was not another man in the world... "I have my ring SUCH diamonds! too valuable, I tell Peter; but he says nothing can be that and I know they can't help seeing it, because the whole room flashes when I turn it this way and that, like blue lightning playing; but they all pretend not to.

And this while Bennet Goldsworthy loafs all over the house, as if it was his own, and presumes to look at me in a superior sort of way, as if I was one of his dirty little Sunday-school children in disgrace. They bring him up into the attic even our own private room mine as much as theirs; they never did it before, and it is only because he is banded with them against me.

In a short time he should refund with interest the little sum he had borrowed from Goldsworthy and Co., and which was really not taken with any ill intention, but was more an accident than anything else. After that, he should accumulate money on his own score, and all things being made straight at home return and settle down, a rich man for life.

I am afraid, when you see her, you will think her looking delicate. The state of her health is a matter of the most anxious concern to me." "What is the matter with her health? She was always well at home. We used to think her the strongest of the family until " "Until she fell into the clutches of that dreadful man," Mr Goldsworthy concluded for her. "Oh!"

She loved the old man, Frances said he certainly was a decently-mannered, good-natured, rather fine-looking, and most generous old man and he was going to take her everywhere and give her a good time and she would never have to go shabby again as long as she lived; and if Deb refused her a proper wedding, law or no law, she would run away with him, as Mary had run away with Bennet Goldsworthy, and Rose with Peter Breen.