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The corpse was enclosed in lead, and that again in cedar, and a great oak shell, covered with crimson cloth and goldheaded nails, and with a gilt plate, recording the age, title, &c. &c., of the deceased, was screwed down firmly over all. Nearly a fortnight elapsed before any reply to Marston's letters was received.

Bentley," Hodder added, "has been my teacher this summer." The old gentleman's hand trembled a little on the goldheaded stick. "It is a matter of more pride to me than I can express, sir, that you are the rector of this church with which my most cherished memories are associated," he said.

Bentley," Hodder added, "has been my teacher this summer." The old gentleman's hand trembled a little on the goldheaded stick. "It is a matter of more pride to me than I can express, sir, that you are the rector of this church with which my most cherished memories are associated," he said.

But if, in addition to this, he sells goldheaded canes, trinkets, rings, ear-rings, bracelets, jewels, and other ornaments of the person, he will be considered as chargeable with the same inconsistency as the follower of the former trade.

"Ah, ah! ah, ah! um h'm, um h'm! so I should say," soliloquized Mr. Lilburn, leaning on his goldheaded cane and watching the four lads as they scattered and left the room; "and so this is the end of act the first, I suppose. Miss, miss, miss, ah that's the syllable that begins the new word." Evelyn now came in with an umbrella in her hand, Grace and Rose Lacey walking a little in her rear.

Rose Mackrell, comported themselves throughout as became the daughters of a warrior race. Both gentlemen were emphatic to praise the unknown Britomart who had done such gallant service with Sir Meeson's ebony wand. He was beginning to fuss vociferously about the loss of the stick a family stick, goldheaded, the family crest on it, priceless to the family when Mrs.

He had other acquaintances whom he pestered undauntedly; and from whom he occasionally extracted a dinner, or a crown, or mayhap, by mistake, a goldheaded cane, which found its way to the pawnbroker's. When flush of cash, he would appear at the coffee-house; when low in funds, the deuce knows into what mystic caves and dens he slunk for food and lodging.

Rose Mackrell, comported themselves throughout as became the daughters of a warrior race. Both gentlemen were emphatic to praise the unknown Britomart who had done such gallant service with Sir Meeson's ebony wand. He was beginning to fuss vociferously about the loss of the stick a family stick, goldheaded, the family crest on it, priceless to the family when Mrs.

"And so my grandmother," we heard Desborough say, "waxed mighty wrath, and she up with her goldheaded walking stick in the middle of Sackville Street, and says she, 'Ye villain, do ye think I don't know my own Blenheim spannel when I see him? 'Indeed, my lady, says Mike, ''twas himself tould me he belanged to Barney. 'Who tould you? says she.

Bentley," Hodder added, "has been my teacher this summer." The old gentleman's hand trembled a little on the goldheaded stick. "It is a matter of more pride to me than I can express, sir, that you are the rector of this church with which my most cherished memories are associated," he said.