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Men with grey moustaches and full, healthy, vaguely smiling countenances approached, circling round the screen; two mature women with a matronly air of gracious resolution; a clean-shaved individual with sunken cheeks, and dangling a gold-mounted eyeglass on a broad black ribbon with an old-world, dandified effect.

Gotta please wifely when you hic been out al' night. Wheresh my gold-mounted paper cutter, Darcy?" "Harry King, and stewed to the gills again!" murmured Pete Daley. "Wow! he has some bun on!" "Wheresh my paper cutter, Darcy?" went on King, smiling in a fashion meant to be merry, but which was fixed and glassy as to his eyes. "Wheresh my li'l preshent for wifely?

The von Montfort retinue, which had quarters in the Ortlieb house, was one of the most brilliant and numerous of all, and Biberli's eyes wandered with a look of satisfaction over the gold-mounted sedan chair of the young countess.

Her green pupils, when freed from their near-sighted glasses, had the tranquil opacity of ox-eyes; but the minute these gold-mounted crystals were placed between her and the outer world, the two glaucous drops took on a sharpness which fairly perforated persons and objects. At other times they appeared a glacial and haughty void, like the circle that a sword traces.

"I'm sure I don't know when we're going to see poor dear Humphrey again," said Mrs. Pomfret, examining the group on the porch through her gold-mounted lenses; these awful people are always here when I come. I wonder if they sleep here, in the hammocks and lounging chairs! Alice, we must be very polite to them so much depends on it."

Brinnaria noticed that one of the other aldermen held the broad, gold-mounted, jeweled scabbard containing the great scimitar with which the King of the Grove kept girt, waking or sleeping. She even noted how its belt trailed from his hands and the shine of its gloss-leather in the torch-rays. The two aldermen handed a shield and an axe to each contestant.

They had set him on just such a low, carved bedstead as that which we had found outside the house, dressed in his full mail, and helmed, and with his sword at his side, such a priceless weapon, with gold-mounted scabbard and jewelled hilt, as men have risked the terrors of grave mounds to win.

An automobile had just drawn up at the jeweler's door and General Siddall top-hat, sable-lined overcoat, waxed mustache and imperial, high-heeled boots, gold-mounted cane was descending. And she knew that he had awakened to his one oversight, and was on his way to repair it.

Perhaps you think that Doctor of Divinity who weighs two hundred pounds more or less, and is clad in glossy broad-cloth, and lifts his shining forehead above a white cravat, as Mont Blanc pierces a belt of cloud, and talks articulated thunder, and veils his wisdom behind gold-mounted spectacles, and moves among men with ineffable dignity, is above the need of, and the appetite for, praise.

"I always wondered how you happened to come to school here at Oakdale," he confessed. "Have a cigarette," invited Herbert, extending an open, gold-mounted morocco case. "Don't like 'em, thank you," declined Roy. The other boy lighted a fresh one from the stub of the last. "So you've been speculating as to the cause of my choosing this serene, rural seat of knowledge, have you?