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Then, by some twist of chance, he decided to take the sidewalk on the other side. The sign of the Delmonico had caught his eye and he remembered that he was hungry. He took one step and stopped. He had recognized Sanders. His eyes narrowed. The head on his short, red neck was thrust forward. "Goddlemighty!" he screamed, and next moment was plucking a revolver from under his left armpit.

Once he spoke. "Tell me where it was you saw this rustler the exact place near as you can locate it." She answered only by a look. The deputy strode into the living room of the ranch with her in his arms. Lee was reading a newspaper Jack had brought with him from Mesa. At sight of them he started up hurriedly. "Goddlemighty, what's the matter, Jack?" "Only a ricked ankle, Champ.

One moment he had straddled the world a Colossus, the next he was collapsing like a punctured balloon. "Goddlemighty!" he gasped. "Don't shoot! I I give up." He was carrying a bucket of water. It dropped from his nerveless fingers and spilt over the floor. Like a bullet out of a gun Crawford shot a question at him. "Where have you hidden the money you got from the stage?"

Carson was in a towering rage that flamed red-hot in his eyes; under the spell of his dominating emotion, the men sat and stared at him. "Well, what's wrong?" asked Lee coolly from the door. "Good goddlemighty!" growled Carson snappishly. "You stan' there an' ask what's the matter. If they's anything that ain't the matter an' you'll spell its name to me I'll put in with you.

I'm going to give you a choice. You and I can settle this thing with guns right here and now. That's one way out for you. I'll kill you where you stand." "W what's the other way?" stammered the outlaw. "The other way is for you to jump into that prospect hole. I'll ride away and leave you there to starve." "Goddlemighty! You wouldn't do that," Meldrum wheedled.

You a-gittin' up 'fore daybreak like the rest of us folks and ridin' off Goddlemighty knows whar. It ain't a-gwine to do now. Whar air ye from?" But as he rode up and dismounted at the porch, each saw that something unusual had happened. He tied his horse and came up the steps in silence. "Boys," he said, when he stood among them, "I want Steven.

Dick and Curly rose from behind the rocks where they had been placed and closed the trap on Blackwell. The paroled convict let out one yell. "I give up. Goddlemighty, don't shoot!" His rifle he had already thrown away. With his arms reaching above him, his terror-stricken eyes popping from his head, he was a picture of the most frightened "bad man" who had ever done business in Arizona.

The man above fastened the end of the rope to the roots of a scrub oak and ran down the slope at full speed. In less than half a minute he was standing breathless in front of his prisoner. Already shaken with dread, Roush gave way to panic fear at sight of him. "Goddlemighty! It's Clanton!" he cried. Jim buckled on the belt and appropriated the rifle.

The man-hunter on the ledge flung a bullet against the protecting boulder. His laugh of cruel derision drifted across the cañon. "Run to earth at last, Ranse Roush!" he shouted, "I swore I'd camp on your trail till I got you you an' the rest of yore poison tribe." From the trapped wretch quavered back a protest. "Goddlemighty, I ain't done nothin' to you-all. Lemme explain."

"I always liked you fine, Tom," the convict pleaded desperately. "Me 'n' you was always good pals. You wouldn't do me dirt thataway now. If you knew the right o' things how that Kelly kep' a-devilin' me, how Whaley was layin' to gun me when he got a chanct, how I stood up for the McRae girl an' protected her against him. Goddlemighty, man, you ain't aimin' to kill me like a wolf!"