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And for no reason he give me tree time extra for carry de godam ration. At this stage the arrival of wash-basins interrupted further anecdote and philosophy, and the entire ward became animated with soldiers performing their ablutions, some sitting up in bed, others on the edge of their beds, and a few so weak that they could just turn painfully on their side and wait for other hands to help.

Ma foi! c'est d'agir en vrai gentilhomme," says Florac, delighted. "Touchez-la, mon petit Kiou. Tu as du coeur. Godam! you are a brave! A brave fellow!" and the Viscount reached out his hand cordially to Lord Kew. His purpose was evidently pacific. From Kew he turned to the great guardsman, and taking him by the coat began to apostrophise him.

Pshaw, you don't know anything about it!" "I know all about it." "Know all about it! You're in love you?" "Yes." Fabian sat open-mouthed for a minute. "Godam!" he said. It was his one English oath. "Is she good company?" he asked after a minute. "She's the same as you keep voila, the same." "You mean Nell Nell?" asked Fabian, in a dry, choking voice. "Yes, Nell. From the first time I saw her.

And before this monstrous beast, bedizened in his general's frippery, in a reeking tavern-room, stand the noble lady of Savenaye and the young heir of Pulwick. The ruffian's voice rings with laughter as he gazes on the silent youthful pair. "Aha, what have we here; a couple of drowned rats? or have we trapped you at last, the ci-devant Savenaye and her godam from England?

There were many wild boars in the forest, but the infantry were too busy to get them. 'The Godam Artillaree he get the wild pig! Out of his pocket he pulled a picture of a frame-house with snow round it, and a lady with two children on the stoop. It was his homestead at Trochu, seventy miles north of Calgary. It was the evening of the third day that we turned our faces to Paris once more.

A groan of admiration from his audience. "Then they dig, before his very eyes, a grave, shallow enough they make it, too, and they put into it, uncoffined, with only a long white shroud upon him, the man he murdered. Then they cover the grave. You're sitting on it now, you other Jacky." "Godam!" cried the rascal addressed, and removed with expedition to a less storied piece of ground.

The fire had flared up at that moment, and there was poor Vidal exposed before them, as horrible an object as one could see in a nightmare. 'Godam! cried the officer, and 'Godam! cried each of the four troopers, which is the same as with us when we cry 'Mon Dieu! Out rasped the five swords, and the four men closed up. One, who wore a sergeant's chevrons, laughed and clapped me on the shoulder.

Pshaw, you don't know anything about it!" "I know all about it." "Know all about it! You're in love you?" "Yes." Fabian sat open-mouthed for a minute. "Godam!" he said. It was his one English oath. "Is she good company?" he asked after a minute. "She's the same as you keep voila, the same." "You mean Nell Nell?" asked Fabian, in a dry, choking voice. "Yes, Nell. From the first time I saw her.

'By Gar! said the French-Canadian, looking after her as she disappeared down the ward, 'she mak me tink of my leetle girl Marie; only Marie, mebbe, is only so high, comme ça, and got de black hair, so! I am homeseek. Yes. It mak me verra homeseek. Godam! She did not come again.

'By Gar! said a third patient opposite, sitting up suddenly and speaking in the disjointed but strangely musical dialect of the French-Canadian, 'she is a wise feller, dis Scoachie. 'Bonn swoir, Frenchy, said the Cockney graciously. ''Ow alley you mantenongs? 'Verra good, Tommee. How is de godam bow bells?