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Life is a God-given, eternal condition, and is a fundamental principle of the true art of song. It is wonderfully strange that this idea or principle of flexible, vitalized bodily position and action is not better understood by the vocal profession.

But there was a certain propriety observed, and very little playing fast and loose with the most sacred period of life, with the greatest God-given blessing Love. The next winter Cynthia was fairly launched on society. There was no regular coming out in almost bridal array, with a grand tea and a houseful of flowers.

It's inscrutable to me, Alice; I lack that God-given intuition that a woman has for such things. But I know that you were right, and time and events will justify you." "You remember that both Mr. Hammer and Mr. Lucas asked Joe and Mrs. Chase a good deal about a book-agent boarder, Curtis Morgan?" said she. "Only in the way of incidental questioning," he said. "Why?" "Don't you remember him?

It is not by clamoring for rights that have been conferred upon others; it is not by restless discontent, by partisan appeals, by stepping out of her God-given sphere, and by attempting to destroy the network of holy influences by which he ever has surrounded her; it is not by ridiculing marriage and casting scorn on motherhood, that she is to obtain the blessings she courts, but by tranquilly laboring under this heaven-imposed law of obedience.

It is the inversion of our God-given creative power of thought, calling into existence that which in the Perfect Life of the Spirit never had or could have any existence, and therefore it creates the sense of inharmony, opposition, and separation. Of course this is only relatively to ourselves, for we cannot create eternal principles.

"He has the God-given faculty of making friends, and for that alone I can forgive him almost anything. It's a wonderful faculty better than being born lucky or rich or handsome. I'm fond of him, but I've favored him all I can. If I thought Josephine were seriously interested in him well, I wouldn't feel so friendly." The speaker laughed shortly, "No.

Of the finer kinds of romance, as distinguished from the novel, I would even encourage the writing, though it is one of the hard conditions of romance that its personages starting with a 'parti pris' can rarely be characters with a living growth, but are apt to be types, limited to the expression of one principle, simple, elemental, lacking the God-given complexity of motive which we find in all the human beings we know.

That chap has got the whole crowd marching to the mourners' bench. He can wind up by nominating a yellow dog and they'll rise and howl him into office by acclamation!" Farr paused for a moment to give effect to his next words. "Such in character, in honest impulse, in honor, in ability, in devotion, and in God-given nobility must be the man who will lead you.

They felt they were doing a God-given duty and to receive money for an act of that kind would be debasing their manhood. Such was it then and such is now the spirit of the West. He called at the Amos home, and while he was received by the matron and failed to see Annie, he thought he detected an air of distress in the surroundings, and attributed it to Amos' condition.

In like wise, he who had the right to ride a horse, was expected to be chivalrous in all matters befitting the hereditary ruler, who owed a sacred debt to a long line of forefathers, as well as to the state in which he dwelt; all dignity, courtesy, purity, self-restraint, devotion such as they were understood in those rough days centred themselves round the idea of the rider as the attributes of the man whose supposed duty, as well as his supposed right, was to govern his fellow-men, by example, as well as by law and force; attributes which gathered themselves up into that one word Chivalry: an idea, which, perfect or imperfect, God forbid that mankind should ever forget, till it has become the possession as it is the God-given right of the poorest slave that ever trudged on foot; and every collier-lad shall have become as some of those Barnsley men proved but the other day they had become already: A very gentle perfect knight.