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For a long time he progressed no farther than this, for falling into his own thoughts, he would find only the aged body of Gobind before him the rest having stolen away on night-marches of deep moment, while he, Bedient, had tried to realize his life loneliness. At last he could think of nothing else throughout the long day, and he went early in the semi-light and sat before the holy man.

He himself giving garlands and sandal-paste, converses with his beloved Vaish.navas, Gobind taking the drum plays ta-ta-tum tum, Adwaita lightly clashes the cymbals. Hari Das begins the song, Sribas keeps time, Gorang dances at the kirtan celebration. On all sides the Vaish.navas crowding echo "Hari bol," to-morrow will be the great feast.

To-day consecrate the drum and hang it up, joyfully saith Bansi sound victory! victory!! Having thus concluded the initiatory ceremonies in the lst Pallab, the 2nd Pallab begins the real "Kirtan." It contains 26 hymns by masters who are mostly of comparatively recent date. Of the old masters Gobind Das and Cha.n.di Das alone appear in this Pallab.

'Now I've told you everything that I know about the boy from beginnin to end; and it's a blessed relief to me. Did ye ever hear the like? 'At any rate, the old man has sent the money. Gobind Sahai's notes of hand are good from here to China, said the Colonel. 'The more one knows about natives the less can one say what they will or won't do.

And fresh from his spacious years in India, where everything is old in spirit, where more often than not the beggar is a sage, to encounter in this land of beauty, a people who were but babes in the thought of God gave to Bedient the painful sense that his inner life was dissipating. There was no Gobind to restore him.

Gobind's voice softened 'to abstain from pulling holy men by the beard, little badling. Eh, eh, eh? The child's face was altogether hidden in the great white beard, and it began to whimper till Gobind soothed it as children are soothed all the world over, with the promise of a story. 'I did not think to frighten thee, senseless little one. Look up! Am I angry? Aré, aré, aré!

'I have no clothes, said the child, 'and all to-day I have been carrying cow-dung cakes to the bazar. It was very hot, and I am very tired. It shivered a little, for the twilight was cool. Gobind lifted an arm under his vast tattered quilt of many colours, and made an inviting little nest by his side. The child crept in, and Gobind filled his brass-studded leather waterpipe with the new tobacco.

I can feel the great silence!" he explained, and told her of his cliff and God-mother, of Gobind, the bees, the moon, the standing pools, the lotos, the stars, the forests, the voices and the dreams.... They stood close together, talking very low, and the visitors brushed past, without hearing.

The money was paid at evening, all silver, in great carts, and thus Ganesh did his work. 'Nathu! Oh^e Nathu! A woman was calling in the dusk by the door of the courtyard. The child began to wriggle. 'That is my mother, it said. 'Go then, littlest, answered Gobind; 'but stay a moment.

Gobind laughed, set it up again, and blessed the marigold flowers as he received the tobacco. 'From my father, said the child. 'He has the fever, and cannot come. Wilt thou pray for him, father? 'Surely, littlest; but the smoke is on the ground, and the night-chill is in the air, and it is not good to go abroad naked in the autumn.