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Nor should I be successful if today, in spite of all the work I have done with the Goat-Glands, I should relinguish the goat-gland in favor of the human-gland or the monkey-gland. Results have taught me that I made a wise choice in pinning my faith to the young goat as the healthiest possible animal from which tissue could be used for transplanting into human bodies.

J. R. Brinkley, who has caused a furor in medical circles through his many successful goat-gland operations. Critics of Dr. Brinkley make Tobias tired. Get his goat, so to speak. He says he knows what he's talking about, for he was formerly lecturer in a Chicago medical college.

In that commonly fatal condition of the arteries which follows rapidly upon the state of blood pressure known as hardening of the arteries, or arterio-sclerosis, a practically incurable condition hitherto, the results obtained by the goat-gland transplantation are miraculously swift.

Most nights two hours sleep was the most I could get, for the pains were incessant. I read in ... the +Kansas City Post+ last Spring about Dr. Brinkley's Goat-Gland operation, and decided to try it right away.

Brinkley makes a stereotyped reply, something as follows: "If you are today in good health I should not advise the goat-gland operation, but would advise it in your case as soon as you have passed the change of life, in ten or fifteen years from now."

Brinkley's care at the hospital, and they were intelligent men who could give their reasons for their conclusions. They were proud of the lustre which Dr. Brinkley's Goat-Gland work was shedding upon the name of their village. Most of the townspeople, however, seemed to think that Dr. Brinkley should be proud of the town.

In ten years, no doubt, gland-transplantation, particularly goat-gland transplantation, for the renewal of youth in man and woman will be so usual as to occasion neither wonder nor hilarity. But we are not living ten years from now, but at this present moment, and Dr. Brinkley's operation to-day is a marvel, a wonder and a joy. There is a satisfaction in being in the van.

Time and further opportunity for experiment are needed to show to what extent the goat-gland transplantation can be used to remedy goitre, epilepsy and the graver lesions of paralysis. The use of the goat-glands is too recent to admit of anything but speculation on these points.

But the surrounding territory was rich and the farmers prosperous, and in the isolated location he saw the chance of continuing experiments begun at Bellevue Hospital, New York. Later he found himself compelled to build his own hospital to care for the patients that arrived, attracted by the news of the goat-gland operations. Dr.

John Jones takes Dr. Brinkley's goat-gland operation for the renewal of his youth, and thereby adds thirty years to his life, and at the end of this thirty years of friskiness undergoes a second transplantation of glands, thereby gaining twenty years more, and at the end of this twenty years takes the operation a third time, securing a further lease of gaiety for ten years, will the final years of Mr.