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There were no finger marks on the carriage door, a proof that the murderer had either worn gloves or that he had carefully removed all traces with a cloth of some kind. It was obvious, too, that a criminal of this class would take no risks, especially as there was no chance of his being hurried, seeing that he had had three clear hours for his work.

The frock-coat that he wore was well cut, but his cravat was on terms so intimate with his waistcoat that no one could suspect him of underlinen. His hands, shapely as a woman's were not perfectly clean; for two days past indeed he had ceased to wear gloves.

"I'm not going to take your whole morning," she said. "You don't get many friends from the bush to see you, so just go away and I'll get on. I'm much obliged to you as it is, Nellie." Nellie did not object. After wiping her hands, face and neck with her handkerchief she put on her gloves and hat.

Like many forceful men whom President Smith very much admired, she was no great respecter of law as such. What couldn't be done in one way might in another, and she must now find out that other way, which obviously she would not discover from the officers of the Washington Trust Company. So she rose and pulled on her long gloves.

Lora Delane Porter settled herself comfortably in a chair. She drew off her gloves and placed them on the table. "Please ask that boy Bailey to go," she said. "He annoys me. I cannot marshal my thoughts in his presence." Quelled by her eye, Bailey removed himself. His father remained standing. Ruth, who had risen at her aunt's entry, sat down again. Mrs.

The keen intensity of the tonic made her nostrils ache, and her uncovered bosom heave. She unbuttoned one of her gloves, and, taking some snow in her hand, pressed it to her warm temples, and then let it drop shivering into her breast. "It must feel like that to die, I suppose," thought she.

"Before the Prince, Fulk Clarenham, I declare you a false traitor! and, if you dare deny it, there lies my gloves!" Fulk only replied by a scornful laugh, and, addressing the Prince, said, "May I pray of your Grace not to be over severe with my young malapert relation." The Captal de Buch spoke: "You do not know what an adversary you have provoked, Fulk!

Looks as if they were playing it rather low down, don't it? Coming down to hard pan and the bed rock eh?" The Expressman's face was turned anxiously towards Bill, who, after a hurried gulp of his remaining liquor, still stood staring at the window. Then he slowly drew on one of his large gloves.

At the sound of voices below they both scrambled to their feet. Dr. Adair and the man from the yards came hurriedly up the steps together, the former drawing off his gloves as he came. He was a compact, elderly man whose keen observant eyes swept the room and its occupants at a glance.

"Yes, I am of a very jealous temperament," replied the Englishman; "but jealousy comes after love, and not before it. I am not in love; I am only haunted. To-morrow evening, then, shall we dine at Philippe's, seven o'clock?" "With all my heart," said Lemercier; "and you too, Alain?" "Thank you, no," said the Marquis, briefly; and he rose, drew on his gloves, and took up his hat.