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Died in childbed a year later, me being at that time on my first voyage. We lived at Bristol, at the foot of Christmas Stairs, left-hand side going up, two doors from the bottom. My mother from Stonehouse, Gloster, where they make cloth, specially red cloth for soldiers' coats. Her maiden name Daniels. She was a religious woman, and taught me the Bible.

But though Gloster is not yet ready to break with tyranny, it is not difficult to see which way he secretly inclines; and though he still manages his impulses cautiously, and contrives to succour the oppressed king by stealth, his courage rises with the emergency, and grows bold with provocation.

That he should have regained so much proves the straits to which he had brought the northern army, who would have to give up all their new settlements round Gloster.

These were operations that Englishmen of every rank and profession, soldiers, scholars, poets, philosophers, lawyers, physicians, and grave and reverend divines, were called on to undergo in those times, and for that identical offence of which the Duke of Gloster stood convicted, opposition to the will of a lawless usurping tyranny, to its merest caprice of vanity or humour, perhaps, or on grounds slighter still, on bare suspicion of a disposition to oppose it.

I was born upon the roads, and so was my father before me, and my mother too; and I worked with them as long as they lived, as a dutiful child, for I have nothing to reproach myself with on their account; and when my father died I took up the business, and went his beat, and supported my mother for the little time she lived; and when she died I married this young woman, who was not born upon the roads, but was a small tradesman’s daughter at Gloster.

Why Gloster, Gloster, I'd speak with the Duke of Cornwall and his wife. Gloster. Well, my good lord, I have informed them so. Lear. Informed them? Dost thou understand me? Gloster. Ay, my good lord.

The three looked from Gloster to the shack; from the shack to Donnegan, absently sipping his coffee; from Donnegan to George, who stood exhibiting a broad grin of anticipated delight. The contrast was too much for them. There is one great and deep-seated terror in the mountain desert, and that is for the man who may be other than he seems.

Where hast thou sent the king? Gloster. To Dover. Regan. Wherefore To Dover, was't thou not charged at peril? Cornwall. Wherefore to Dover? Let him first answer that. Regan. Wherefore to Dover? Gloster. Because I would not see thy cruel nails Pluck out his poor old eyes, nor thy fierce sister In his anointed flesh stick boarish fangs. Regan. One side will mock another; the other too. Cornwall.

They told me I was everything: 'tis a lie. I am not ague-proof. Gloster. Lear. Ay, every inch a King: When I do stare, see, how the subject quakes. But it is a subject he has conjured up from his brain that is quaking under his regal stare.

And with what ingenuity and skill are the two main parts of the composition dovetailed into one another! The pity felt by Gloster for the fate of Lear becomes the means which enables his son Edmund to effect his complete destruction, and affords the outcast Edgar an opportunity of being the saviour of his father.