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It is certain there was seldom such a life-element as this of Friedrich's in Summer, 1741. Here is the enormous jumbling of a World broken loose; boiling as in very chaos; asking of him, him more than any other, "How? What?" Enough to put GLOIRE out of his head; and awaken thoughts, terrors, if you were of apprehensive turn!

And within the gate the old roses were coming on with a rush Provence and climbing China; Moschata alba, pouring over an arch in a cascade of bloom that hid all its green as with shell-pink foam; crimson and striped Damask along the border; with Paul Neyron eclipsing all in size, moss-roses bursting their gummy shells, Gloire de Dijon climbing and asserting itself above the falsely named "pink Gloire"; Reine Marie Henriette which, grown by everybody, is perhaps the worst rose in the world.

They show themselves down to the saloon, to be sure, an' I never seed one of 'em a-waterin. his liquor; but when you've sed that, you've sed ev'rythin'." "Our distinguished friend, speaks truthfully," remarked Nappy Boney, the only Frenchman in camp, and possessing a nickname playfully contracted from the name of the first emperor. "La gloire is nothing to them.

They went to execution displaying all the stoicism of the times, singing the Marseillaise, and applying it to their own case: "Allons, enfants de la patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive: Contre nous de la tyrannie Le couteau sanglant est leve," etc. Nearly all the other leaders of this party had a violent end.

For they sat out on the porch nearly all day, and the rose mantle of the Gloire de Dijon hid a multitude of sins of omission in the way of neglected repairs. Several days later, when Mrs.

But as the flourish of the "Monitor" would never reach a thousand little way-side huts, and sea-side cabins, and vine-dressers' sunny nests, where the memory of some lad who had gone forth never to return would leave a deadly shadow athwart the humble threshold so the knowledge that they were only so many automata in the hands of government, whose loss would merely be noted that it might be efficiently supplied, was not that wine-draught of La Gloire which poured the strength and the daring of gods into the limbs of the men of Jena and of Austerlitz.

Lying behind one of the promontories of the island, the lookout men of the Gloire upon the shore had seen the cul de sac into which the British frigate was headed, so that Captain de Milon had served the Leda as Captain Johnson had the Slapping Sal. But the splendid discipline of the British service was at its best in such a crisis.

The passage 'Gloire a la Providence' is too much like a bit of Handel; the chorus of knights is closely related to the Scotch air in La Dame Blanche; in short, if this opera is a success, it is because the music is borrowed from everybody's so it ought to be popular. "I will say good-bye to you, my dear friend.

I looked rather haughty and consequential, I believe, but the looks of such a boy as I made no impression, and he began to cut here and there moss, and maiden's blush, and cabbage roses simple old-fashioned flowers, for the great French growers had not filled England with their beautiful children, and a gardener in these days would not have believed in the possibility of a creamy Gloire de Dijon or that great hook-thorned golden beauty Marechal Niel.

But her face was pale, with a pensive pallor like that of the Gloire de Dijon rose; only now excitement had suffused her cheeks with the tints of that same rose that red so unlike the bloom on other faces in vanished days; so tender and delicate and precious above all tints in nature! "I know," she spoke, "how you were grieving for me, that you were pale and dejected.