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Jan Mulder had hastily retreated among his companions, and instead of coming forward and giving his name, called: "Look for the hat-fuller, Glipper! We'll play blindman's buff." The youth, frantic with rage, repeated his question. When, instead of any other answer, the boys entered into Jan Mulder's jest, shouting gaily: "Yes, play blind-man's buff! Look for the hat-fuller.

The baron again started, but with a different feeling than before, and declared that he was no "Glipper," though he was not inspired, he confessed, with the same enthusiasm which at present animated the citizens of Leyden. "It may be that you are not a `Glipper, but your remarks savour much of the principles which animate them," observed the old citizen, in a dry tone.

"Herr Matanesse Van Wibisma, the Glipper, is in the entry and wants to speak to you." "Show him up," said the burgomaster reluctantly. When again alone with his wife, he asked hastily "Will you be indulgent and help me?" She nodded assent, trying to smile.

He willingly took the messengers of spring, raised them to his face, drew Maria to his breast, pressed a long kiss upon her brow, and then said gloomily: "So this is the celebration of the first anniversary of our wedding-day. Poor wife! The Glipper was not so far wrong; perhaps it would have been wiser and better for me not to bind your fate to mine."

Maria could scarcely keep up with the doctor's rapid strides and had some difficulty in understanding him, as in broken sentences he told her that all the Glipper friends of the Hoogstraten family had left the city, the old Fraulein was dead, the servants had run away from fear of the plague, which had no existence, and Henrica was now deserted.

She had been very ill with a severe fever, but was much better during the past few days. "Misfortune has taken up its abode in the Glipper nest," he added. "The scythe-man did the old lady a favor when he took her. The French maid, a feeble nonentity, held out bravely, but after watching a few nights broke down entirely and was to have been carried to St.

He willingly took the messengers of spring, raised them to his face, drew Maria to his breast, pressed a long kiss upon her brow, and then said gloomily: "So this is the celebration of the first anniversary of our wedding-day. Poor wife! The Glipper was not so far wrong; perhaps it would have been wiser and better for me not to bind your fate to mine."

But I I? Nobody would willingly allow himself to be struck in the face, yet so surely as my father was a brave man, even the worst insult could be more easily borne, than the feeling of being held in too slight esteem to be able to offer an affront. You see, Wilhelm, when the Glipper looked past me " "Your beard lost its calmness." "It's all very well for you to jest, you don't know "

He willingly took the messengers of spring, raised them to his face, drew Maria to his breast, pressed a long kiss upon her brow, and then said gloomily: "So this is the celebration of the first anniversary of our wedding-day. Poor wife! The Glipper was not so far wrong; perhaps it would have been wiser and better for me not to bind your fate to mine."

The young noble raised his head still higher, the negro did the same, and both walked quietly on, even when Adrian shouted in his ear: "Little Glipper, tell me, for how many pieces of silver did Judas sell the Saviour?"