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"Wo, the bonnie laddie!" Princie, as he ca'd him, ga'e a gley roond wi' the white o' his e'e that garred Sandy keep a gude yaird clear o' him. "He's a grand beast," he says, comin' roond to my side; "a grand beast! Three-quarters bred, an' soond in wind and lim'. I got a terriple bargain o' him.

According to a report in Vol. 6 of the Jahrbuch f. sexuelle Zwischenstufen, E. Gley is supposed to have been the first to mention bisexuality as an explanation of inversion.

Gley, to whom we owe much of our knowledge of glandular action, has asserted that "the genesis and exercise of the higher faculties of men are conditioned by the purely chemical action of the product of these secretions. Let psychologists consider these facts." These internal secretions or endocrines pass directly into the blood stream, and exercise a dominating power over health and personality.

For three weeks these fortifications have defied my cannon, there is scarce a breach yet in the walls of yonder town." "Methinks thou wilt find a way." "It may be so, my good Sir Joseph, it may be so, and yet, even when I am most hopeful of success, my schemes go a gley." "Methinks thy dark " "Methinks thy dark spirit lies on thee to-night." "Ay, 'tis too true.

"I didna think ye kenned hoo he rade," answered the boy pawkily, as he shot to the stable. "Weel," he added, "ye maunna gley asklent at the mere whan she comes hame some saipy-like!" When he returned on the mare's back, the farmer was waiting for him with the whisky-bottle in his hand.